We are desperately trying to resolve NoClassDefFoundError that happens sporadically in our web application for months now. We get this error while loading class that is there in the class path and I can see the jar containing this class in JBOSS Management Console Class Path. It happens for different classes in code executing hibernate queries. After server restart the error goes away ... until the next time. All I know that it's happening after hot deployment of one of web apps running on the same JBoss instance. We don't have any of the war files containg basic hibernate, springframework, ehcache or common code jar files. All of them are located only under lib and deploy directories of JBOSS_HOME and both directories in the applivation class path. We use SpringFramework, JBoss 3.2.8, Hibernate3, Java 1.4 and EhCache 1.2. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.