I opened WASD 5.1.1 to install Hibernate Synchronizer and opened the Update Manager by choosing Help -> Software Updates -> Update Manager.
Opened the Install/Update perspective, right-click on the Feature Updates view and choose New -> Site Bookmark
I enetered the Name: Hibernate Synchronizer, and the URL as
I go to the bookmark in WASD, and click the install now button and get the following error:
Requested operation cannot be performed because it would invalidate the current configuration. See details for more information.
Hibernate Synchronizer (2.3.1): Feature requires plug-in "org.eclipse.osgi".
Hibernate Synchronizer (2.3.1): Feature requires plug-in "org.eclipse.ui.ide".
Can someone give me a help here? - should I install the other two plugin as mentioned above in order to plugin the Hibernate Synchronizer?