Hello Hibernate Team,
is it possible to use my own custom persiter for FOO class and use find or any other retrieval api using HQL to lookup my FOO class.
For example i have modified your MasterDetailTest#testCustomPersiter
public void testCustomPersister() throws Exception {
Session s = openSession();
Custom c = new Custom();
c.setName( "foo" );
String id = (String) s.save(c);
assertTrue( c==s.load(Custom.class, id) );
s = openSession();
List<Custom>cList = (List<Custom>) s.find("from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Custom");
First i save object,
second i want to find it, but not using load, but using normal HQL. This doesn't work for me. It shows me an error: no persistent classes found for query class: from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Custom
Is it possible do it somethink like that? And if yes, is it possible to use HQL to retrieve non jdbc persitent object also in master detail or any strange relations.
I need to store some entities into non jdbc storage and major of them in normal jdbc storage.