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 Post subject: Multiple Join Returns Set of Objects; SQL returns one
PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:31 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:52 pm
Posts: 2
Good morning!

I have been working on this issue for the last few days, and I have searched and am looking for advice. When I run the query in SqlYog, I return one row. When I place the code into Hibernate using SQLQuery, I am returning a set of Elections when I should be returning only one.

Here is the SQL code:
    SELECT distinct PollingPlaces.*
FROM PollingPlaces
JOIN ElectionPrecincts ON ElectionPrecincts.pollingPlaceId = PollingPlaces.id 
JOIN Elections ON ElectionPrecincts.electionId = Elections.id
JOIN Precincts ON ElectionPrecincts.precinctId = Precincts.id
JOIN Voters ON Precincts.id = Voters.precinctId
JOIN VlAbsenteeBallots ON Voters.id = VlAbsenteeBallots.voterId
        Elections.electionDate >= CURDATE()
        AND Voters.stateVoterId = '09a68'

Here is the hibernate code:
        String sql = "SELECT distinct {pp.*} " +
                " FROM PollingPlaces  " +
                " JOIN ElectionPrecincts ON ElectionPrecincts.pollingPlaceId = PollingPlaces.id    " +
                " JOIN Elections ON ElectionPrecincts.electionId = Elections.id " +
                " JOIN Precincts ON ElectionPrecincts.precinctId = Precincts.id  " +
                " JOIN Voters ON Precincts.id = Voters.precinctId   " +
                " JOIN VlAbsenteeBallots ON Voters.id = VlAbsenteeBallots.voterId" +
                " WHERE " +
                " e.electionDate >= CURDATE()"+
                " AND v.stateVoterId = :stateVoterId ";

        SQLQuery ballotQuery = s.createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
        ballotQuery.addEntity("pp", PollingPlace.class);
        ballotQuery.setString("stateVoterId", stateVoterId);

        PollingPlace pollingPlaces = (PollingPlace) ballotQuery.uniqueResult();

Why am I getting a set of Elections back, when in the ElectionPrecincts table, each row is unique to do every combination of having a PollingPlaceId, PrecinctId, and ElectionId ??

My table structures are linked like this:

Elections <--> VlAbsenteeBallots <--> Voters
ElectionPrecincts <--> Precincts <----------^

Thanks for any advice. Let me know if you need any clarification.

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