I'm having a problem with the results of a named query.
When I run the query from the mapping file below in query analyzer with the parameters substituted from the values set in the java code, I get 104 records back, each of them unique. However, when I run the query as a named query in:
public ReportVO[] getReportWhereClientNameLike(
final String gcliNm, final Date startDate, final Date endDate) {
final String namedQuery =
Query query =
query.setString("clientName", gcliNm);
query.setDate("startDate", startDate);
query.setDate("endDate", endDate);
List list = query.list();
return convertToVOArray(query.list());
I get back 104 ReportVO entries in the ReportVO[] array, but all ReportVOs are the same and contain the same data.
I've tried using the getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(String) method, passing in the query text but that makes no difference.
Has anyone seen this before? If so, is there a fix?
Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents:Report.hbm.xml:Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<class name="us.dc.connect.vo.extranet.ReportVO" mutable="false">
<key-property name="gcliNm" />
<key-property name="polNum" type="us.dc.connect.dao.hibernateutil.TrimmedString" />
<property name="ccfileRcvdDtm" />
<property name="ccfileEvntDsc" />
<property name="ccfileEvntStatDsc" />
<property name="ccfileMbrCnt" />
<property name="ccfile10pctChgInd" />
<property name="ccpflIsActiveInd" />
<sql-query name="us.dc.connectivity.dao.reportByClientName">
<return alias="Report" class="us.dc.connect.vo.extranet.ReportVO" />
SELECT client_t.gcli_nm AS gcliNm
, pol_t.pol_num AS polNum
, cc_file_t.ccfile_rcvd_dtm AS ccfileRcvdDtm
, cc_file_event_t.ccfile_evnt_dsc AS ccfileEvntDsc
, cc_file_event_status_type_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_dsc AS ccfileEvntStatDsc
, cc_file_t.ccfile_mbr_cnt AS ccfileMbrCnt
, cc_file_t.ccfile_10pct_chg_ind AS ccfile10pctChgInd
, cc_profile_t.ccpfl_is_active_ind AS ccpflIsActiveInd
FROM client_t
client_t.gcli_id = pol_t.gcli_id
INNER JOIN cc_profile_t ON
pol_t.gcli_id = cc_profile_t.gcli_id
AND pol_t.pol_id = cc_profile_t.pol_id
INNER JOIN cc_file_t ON
cc_profile_t.gcli_id = cc_file_t.gcli_id
AND cc_profile_t.pol_id = cc_file_t.pol_id
INNER JOIN cc_file_event_history_t ON
cc_file_t.gcli_id = cc_file_event_history_t.gcli_id
AND cc_file_t.pol_id = cc_file_event_history_t.pol_id
AND cc_file_t.ccfile_seq_num = cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_seq_num
INNER JOIN cc_file_event_t ON
cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_cd = cc_file_event_t.ccfile_evnt_cd
INNER JOIN cc_file_event_status_type_t ON
cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = cc_file_event_status_type_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd
((cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_cd = 'CCLOAD' AND (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SUCCESS' OR cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'WTHERROR'))
OR (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_cd = 'LD' AND (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SUCCESS' OR cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'WTHERROR'))
OR (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'FAILURE')
OR (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SYSPROC'))
AND cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_strt_dtm = (
SELECT MAX(ccfile_evnt_strt_dtm)
FROM cc_file_event_history_t
WHERE ((cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_cd = 'CCLOAD' AND (ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SUCCESS' OR ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'WTHERROR'))
OR (cc_file_event_history_t.ccfile_evnt_cd = 'LD' AND (ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SUCCESS' OR ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'WTHERROR'))
OR (ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'FAILURE')
OR (ccfile_evnt_stat_cd = 'SYSPROC'))
AND gcli_id = cc_file_t.gcli_id
AND pol_id = cc_file_t.pol_id
AND ccfile_seq_num = cc_file_t.ccfile_seq_num)
AND cc_file_t.ccfile_rcvd_dtm BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate
AND client_t.gcli_nm LIKE :clientName
Name and version of the database you are using: MS SQL Server 2000 SP4Code: