I have the following scenario:
The relationship is every trade has a trade_info
Now we have the 3rd table trade_sent_status which contains information abt which version of trade and trade_info was sent to which downstream system.
Now i want to ensure that the latest version of trade_sent_status is part of the trade object
In the xml for trade_sent_status table we have defined a component:
<component name="latestId" class="com.hibernate.generated.TradeSentStatusId" >
<property name="pfTradeVersion" type="int" not-null="false" insert="false" update="false">
<column name="pf_trade_version" />
<property name="tradeInfoVersion" type="int" not-null="false" insert="false" update="false">
<column name="trade_info_version" />
<property name="pfTradeId" type="int" not-null="false" insert="false" update="false">
<column name="pf_trade_id" />
And now in trade i tried something like this
<one-to-one name="tradeInfo" class="com.hibernate.generated.TradeInfo" property-ref="pfTradeId" fetch="join" lazy="false" >
<one-to-one name="latestSentStatus" class="com.hibernate.generated.TradeSentStatus" property-ref="latestId" fetch="join" lazy="false" >
But this fails and throws exception saying tradeInfo.version is invalid cloumn reference!
Any help is highly appreciated.
_________________ Good Day