Below is my composite key in my StoreLocation class
StoreLocation Class contains --->
<composite-id name="id" class="StoreLocation">
<key-property name="store_id"/>
<key-property name="storeLocId"/>
and I added a getter and setter for "id" in my StoreLocation java bean
and my Sales Class I have the below since this is joining to the StoreLocation class with the composite key
Store Class contains--->
<many-to-one name="storelocation" class="StoreLocation">
<column name="store_id"/>
<column name="storeLocId"/>
and I added a getter and setter for "storelocation" attribute in my
but i get an error:
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.dao.StoreLocation#com.dao.StoreLoaction@1f2c60d]