Greetigns to all,
I have a strange problem.
Our J2EE application on WebSphere 5.1 using JSF and Hibernate can Insert to our DB2 table correctly (Greek characters).
When on the same table you try to execute through Hibernate a query 'Select ..... like 'GreekChars%'' it does not fetch anything.
Below is a fragment of the console log.
You can see my SystemOuts below
first I display the string entered in the page MyString -> I see it correctly
then the query that is built QueString and FQueString -> shown correctly
then when Hibernate displays the query you can see that the like clause is full of '??%' (below in red)
Have you seen that before ?
Thanks a lot for any answers
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O My String: ΓΚ%
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O *********************
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O My QueString: from HelpDeskUser as user where like 'ΓΚ%'
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O My FQueString: from HelpDeskUser as user where like 'ΓΚ%' and and user.groups.gid in ('HLPTELLERROLE','HLPCHIEFTELLERROLE')
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O [2006-11-24 18:42:17,259] [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 2] [DEBUG] [HibernateSessionFactory] getCurrentSession - Hibernate Current Session Retrieaval From Factory Revealed : 814926783
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O [2006-11-24 18:42:17,259] [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 2] [DEBUG] [LogisticsBean] selectObjects - Invoking session bean Logistics selectObjects(). Session object hashcode: 814926783
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:259 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O [2006-11-24 18:42:17,259] [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 2] [DEBUG] [HibernateSessionFactory] getCurrentSession - Hibernate Current Session Retrieaval From Factory Revealed : 814926783
[24/11/2006 18:42:17:634 EET] 29b3cbb3 SystemOut O Hibernate: select .............. helpdeskus0_.GID as GID5_ from OTPHD.USERS helpdeskus0_ where (helpdeskus0_.NAME like '??%') and helpdeskus0_.BRANCH=38 and (helpdeskus0_.GID in ('HLPTELLERROLE' , 'HLPCHIEFTELLERROLE'))