For the following mapping, the attendees component is always fetched as NULL, unless I can the DBVal getter. How can I make sure 'attendees' component gets populated by a non-null value during the session.list() call? Right now I'm getting it back as null, in the list after the session.list() call. I'd like to do two things:
1). Get the attendees value populated during the initial list() call. (Lazy=false does not seem to work)
2). If the attendees column is null, I'd like to initilize the attendees component with a (new CoreIDList()) value, rather than having a null returned from the list() call.
Hibernate version:
Mapping documents:
<class name="app.aor.bo.AorEntity"
<!-- Primary Key -->
<id name="aor_id">
<generator class="increment"/>
<!-- Direct Data Properties -->
<property name="entity_id" />
<property name="aor_dt" />
<property name="location" />
<component name="attendees" class="com.invx.fresh.elementpool.CoreIDList">
<property name="DBValue" column="attendees" lazy="false"/>
Name and version of the database you are using:
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
select aorentity0_.aor_id as aor1_0_, aorentity0_.entity_id as entity2_0_, aorentity0_.aor_dt as aor3_0_, aorentity0_.location as location0_, aorentity0_.attendees as attendees0_ from aor aorentity0_