Dear ALl,
I am a newbie. I am struck with a very basic doubt in Hibernate,
Let say we have two entities – Customer and Account. Customer can have multiple accounts. Also, in two entities, we have bidirectional association.
Now, given customerId, I can fetch customer and then accounts.
Now, because association is bidirectional, we should be able to fetch account and then its customer, if accountId is given. Somehow, I am getting strange error in Hibernate, when I say that –
accountDao().load(accountId). I don’t see any issue in this.
Error is –
01:01:44,590 ERROR [LogInterceptor] EJBException in method: public abstract org.infy.enr.infybank.vo.AccountVO org.infy.enr.infybank.service.ejb.UserService.getAccountDetails(java.lang.Long), causedBy: