I am having an issue with cascade delete operation. I am doing pretty complex delete operation - deleting PropertyInfo object which is related oneToOne to Property object, which has list of Ad objects, which have set of Image object in them. Everything works just fine. But I am noticing redundant select and update operations which is bugging me.
Here is how tipical delete statements look:
Hibernate: select propertyin0_.pi_id as pi1_3_4_, propertyin0_.count_ads as count2_3_4_, propertyin0_.last_ad_id as last7_3_4_, propertyin0_.max_price as max3_3_4_, propertyin0_.min_price as min4_3_4_, propertyin0_.start_date as start5_3_4_, propertyin0_.end_date as end6_3_4_, ad1_.id as id0_0_, ad1_.property_id as property8_0_0_, ad1_.post_date as post2_0_0_, ad1_.link as link0_0_, ad1_.title as title0_0_, ad1_.description as descript5_0_0_, ad1_.cache_id as cache6_0_0_, ad1_.price as price0_0_, property2_.id as id2_1_, property2_.address_id as address8_2_1_, property2_.type as type2_1_, property2_.bed as bed2_1_, property2_.bath as bath2_1_, property2_.relevance as relevance2_1_, property2_.square as square2_1_, property2_.story as story2_1_, property3_.id as id2_2_, property3_.address_id as address8_2_2_, property3_.type as type2_2_, property3_.bed as bed2_2_, property3_.bath as bath2_2_, property3_.relevance as relevance2_2_, property3_.square as square2_2_, property3_.story as story2_2_, address4_.id as id1_3_, address4_.longitude as longitude1_3_, address4_.address as address1_3_, address4_.state as state1_3_, address4_.country as country1_3_, address4_.city as city1_3_, address4_.zip as zip1_3_, address4_.resolved as resolved1_3_, address4_.latitude as latitude1_3_ from property_info propertyin0_ left outer join ad ad1_ on propertyin0_.last_ad_id=ad1_.id left outer join property property2_ on ad1_.property_id=property2_.id left outer join property property3_ on propertyin0_.pi_id=property3_.id left outer join address address4_ on property3_.address_id=address4_.id where propertyin0_.pi_id=?
Hibernate: select ads0_.property_id as property8_1_, ads0_.id as id1_, ads0_.id as id0_0_, ads0_.property_id as property8_0_0_, ads0_.post_date as post2_0_0_, ads0_.link as link0_0_, ads0_.title as title0_0_, ads0_.description as descript5_0_0_, ads0_.cache_id as cache6_0_0_, ads0_.price as price0_0_ from ad ads0_ where ads0_.property_id=? order by ads0_.post_date asc
I'm totally fine until this moment, here it selects all my images which are going to be removed in a moment, when clears association field, and then removes them one by one.
Hibernate: select images0_.ad_id as ad8_1_, images0_.id as id1_, images0_.id as id4_0_, images0_.name as name4_0_, images0_.type as type4_0_, images0_.data as data4_0_, images0_.height as height4_0_, images0_.width as width4_0_, images0_.mime as mime4_0_ from image images0_ where images0_.ad_id=?
Hibernate: select images0_.ad_id as ad8_1_, images0_.id as id1_, images0_.id as id4_0_, images0_.name as name4_0_, images0_.type as type4_0_, images0_.data as data4_0_, images0_.height as height4_0_, images0_.width as width4_0_, images0_.mime as mime4_0_ from image images0_ where images0_.ad_id=?
Hibernate: update property_info set count_ads=?, last_ad_id=?, max_price=?, min_price=?, start_date=?, end_date=? where pi_id=?
Hibernate: update image set ad_id=null where ad_id=?
Hibernate: update image set ad_id=null where ad_id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from ad where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Hibernate: delete from image where id=?
Here normal remove block goes.
Hibernate: delete from ad where id=?
Hibernate: delete from property where id=?
Hibernate: delete from property_info where pi_id=?
Is there way to work around or fix redundant statements so it calls:
DELETE FROM image WHERE ad_id = ?