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 Post subject: TimeZone related Issue
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:50 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:33 am
Posts: 3
Location: India
Hi All,

I need help in mantianing timezone in my application. We have to display the information with respect to user time zone stored in app_user table. We have userTimezone field in user table. Depending upon this value, we have to convert all date field exist in other into their respective time zone. For example, same event can be viewed by many users belong to different timezone. I have to convert event time according to their timezone.
We have 2 layer
1.Bean(business logic)
At bean level, I had written the logic to convert event time into their respective timezone but while lazy loading like fetching topics from forum which have topics as set in hibernate file. How I can set date field in this case. Is there any way we can handle timezone at Data layer or hibernate mapping file.

Technology: Spring and Hibernate.
How I can fullfill this requirement.
Thanks in Advance


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