I'm using hibernate 2.1.4 (i aslo tested with hibernate 3) and middlegen-hibernate-r5 in order to generate the mapping files on Sybase DB.
My Sybase.xml included in the build file looks like this :
Sybase.xml wrote:
<property name="database.driver.file" value="${lib.dir}/jconn2.jar"/>
<property name="database.driver.classpath" value="${database.driver.file}"/>
<property name="database.driver" value="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"/>
<property name="database.url" value="jdbc:sybase:yyyyyyyyyyyy"/>
<property name="database.userid" value="XXXXXX"/>
<property name="database.password" value="######"/>
<property name="database.schema" value=""/>
<property name="database.catalog" value=""/>
So when i run the ant task the message is:
Ant task wrote:
D:\test\apps\middlegen\Middlegen-Hibernate-r5\build.xml:149: middlegen.Middlegen
Exception: Middlegen successfully connected to the database, but couldn't find a
ny tables. Perhaps the specified schema or catalog is wrong? -Or maybe there are
n't any tables in the database at all?
Configured schema:
Configured catalog:CIRDEV
Available schemas:
<list of users>
Available catalogs:
<list of shemas>
I tried to delete the shema & catalog in the build.xml, i tried to put some of the returned values (uppercase and/or lowercase) - although it doesn't return the schemas but the users (i also tried with some "good" values) - and others changes, but i still got the same message.
And i'm sure there are tables to read...
Could somebody help me please?