I am new at hibernate and need help implementing
the following.
Given a POJO model EntityModel, with attribute entityObject of type IEntity interface
Assume both EntityA and EntityB implements interface IEntity.
The mapping column in the table associated with EntityModel is
Here is what I want to do:
1. If CDE_LOC value is in list (“'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10'”) then EntityA is loaded
2. If CDE_LOC value is in list
("'S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z') then EntityB is loaded
Here is a pseudo code of what I have in mind.
<any name="entityObject" meta-type="string" id-type="integer" cascade="none" update="false" insert="false">
<meta-value class="EntityA" value in ("'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10'") />
<meta-value class=" EntityB" value in ("'S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'") />
<column name="CDE_LOC" />
As an alternative to the pseudo code above, could I repeat the same entity in multiple lines as shown below?
<any name=" entityObject " meta-type="string" id-type="integer" cascade="none" update="false" insert="false">
<meta-value class="EntityA" value = "01" />
<meta-value class="EntityA" value = "02" />
<meta-value class="EntityA" value = "03" />
<meta-value class="EntityB" value = "S" />
<meta-value class="EntityB" value = "T" />
<meta-value class="EntityB” value = "U" />
<column name="CDE_LOC" />
Please help.