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 Post subject: passing empty collections param to externalized named query
PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:16 pm
Posts: 1
version 3.1.1
Database is DB2 v7

I have an externalized named query as shown below…


<query name="findSResTslByDatCrtItl">

<!-- obtain records for proceeding resources -->



SResTsl as v


v.OrgItlId = :initials


v.ResCgyCd in (:set)


:date between v.RcuBgnEffDt and v.RcuEndEffDt



When I run this now, I get an 6/20/06 10:28:38:734 PDT] 1c491c49 SystemErr R org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected end of subtree [

I’m sure this is due to the (:set) collection parameter being empty…

Question: can I modify the named query def to ignore the (null) set parameter when it occurs(?) or do I have to ensure a non-null collection in the code.

I’ve heard a reference to something called “escaping” which can be done in the EQ..

Best Regards and TIA

Michael Dean

Senior Java Programmer

Information Services Division/Application Development Section/CAPS Maintenance

Administrative Office of the Courts



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