I am searching for a way to generate a "simple" administrative interface base on the hibernate mapping (hbm) (struts-jsp, jsf-jsp, java-swing?). Is there a way to generate the "crud" code from the hbm (dao and JSP) ? On another post, I found this linked, supposed to give access to a hbm2jsf, but the the link
http://hbm2jsf.dbyrne.net/provided doesn't work now.
I have also found an interesting example from the Netbean site (for Netbean 5.5 beta:
http://www.netbeans.org/kb/articles/hibernate-javaee.html but it use EJB 3... I am affraid I will not be able to install a EJB 3 server on my production server now.
At first glance, it should be possible to create a Swing application (or web app) that take the HBM in parameter and give a full administration application on a database..? Nobody have build this apps yet?