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 Post subject: Hibernate3 warning Using non-qualified column reference
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:04 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:09 am
Posts: 6
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Hibernate version: hibernate-3.1.3
Name and version of the database you are using: Oarcle 10

I am trying to upgrade my Hibernate from version 2 to 3, and to extent got many of the things to work except this one which is giing me hard time, so thought someone might help me out with this.

I have an User who can have one-to-many Permissions.

I have the User object but it doens't have any relation to the Permissions object in the User.hbm.xml file.

I have the Permssions object which has many-to-one as folows
@hibernate.many-to-one column="USERID" class="bo.User"
outer-join="auto" insert="true" update="false"

So when the User is deleted I am trying to run a query to delete explicitly to remove all the permissions and then the user as follows:

Query q = getSession().createQuery("delete from bo.Permission where user=:usr").setEntity("usr", user);
int n = q.executeUpdate();

But when trying to execute the same I am getting the error as follows:

14:09:15,296 INFO [STDOUT] deleteUser called
14:09:15,296 WARN [FromElementType] Using non-qualified column reference [user -> ([USERID])]
14:09:15,343 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into HT_TPERMISSIONS select user0_.PERMISSIONID as PERMISSIONID from TPERMISSIONS user0_ where USERID=?
14:09:15,375 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: delete from TPERMISSIONS where (PERMISSIONID) IN (select PERMISSIONID from HT_TPERMISSIONS)
14:09:15,390 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: delete from HT_TPERMISSIONS
14:09:15,406 INFO [STDOUT] number deleted from Permission is:: 1
14:09:15,421 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: delete from TUSER where USERID=?

And it doesn't delete from the TPERMISSIONS table as mentioned above.
Also I am not sure why it is trying to write to a separate table and then get from it and delete from there.

Please let me know if anyone came across this situation.

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