I am currently using Hibernate-Version: 3.0.5 in a project that makes heavy use of the Interceptor to generate events related the creation and modification of our business objects.
It's my understanding that modfications made to the contents of a persistent collection are viewed from a life-cycle perspective as modifications to the object that owns the collection. So if I add to, remove from a persistent collection, or change the collection reference in the owning object, I should get a notification via onFlushDirty in the Interceptor, correct?
Currently, onFlushDirty() is not being called on the session's interceptor when the contents of persistent collections are modified.
There are a couple of other topics related to this issue that don't seem to be getting a lot of attention. This is an important issue for the project I am involved in and it would be helpful if any misunderstandings that I might have in this area could be cleared up.
Am I missing something in my understanding of the way that Hibernate handles/views associations here. Is this a bug and if so, has it been/will it be fixed?
Thanks in advance.