Hibernate version:
Name and version of the database you are using:
DB2 UDB for AS/400 05.02.0000 V5R2m0 AS/400 Toolbox for Java JDBC Driver 6.0
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
How do you escape colons (:) when using the createSQLQuery command?
Right now it is replacing the : with a ? in the string
for example:
sql = "select { tbl.* } from table1 where COL1 = 'THING: THANG'
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql, "tbl", MyClass.class);
the output is:
select tbl.COL1 as COL10_, tbl.COL2 as COL20_ from table1 tbl where COL10 = 'THING? THANG'
i tried using \ to escape it, but then i end up with:
select tbl.COL1 as COL10_, tbl.COL2 as COL20_ from table1 tbl where COL10 = 'THING\: THANG'
which is no good either
i searched the forums and jira and it seems this issue was addressed:
http://opensource.atlassian.com/project ... se/HB-1042
but it's does not seem to be working
any ideas?