Hibernate version: 3.1.3
Is it possible to create a one-to-may relation between two tables with the may side table having no primary keys ?
Here are the tables:
Column name Type Nulls
owner_number integer no
participant_id integer no
list_id integer no
fname char(50) no
lname char(50) no
country_code char(2) no
phone_num char(25) yes
phone_ext char(6) yes
phone_num2 char(25) yes
phone_ext2 char(6) yes
fax_num char(25) yes
call_order integer no
leader_flag integer no
intl_link_id integer no
commline_flag smallint no
inactive_start_dt date yes
inactive_end_dt date yes
send_confirmation smallint yes
email char(65) yes
Column name Type Nulls
participant_id integer yes
owner_number integer yes
address_type char(1) yes
address_1 char(30) yes
address_2 char(30) yes
city char(20) yes
state char(10) yes
country char(25) yes
zip char(10) yes
Address table has a compund unique key for the following columns:
participant_id AND address_type
I need One-To-Many relation from Participant --> Address with cascade="all,delete-orphan"