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 Post subject: Named SQL query w/ many parameters - parameters not found
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:03 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:56 pm
Posts: 136
Location: Erie, PA (USA)
Hibernate version: 3.1.3

Mapping documents: Can be provided if needed

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
Query qry = getSession().getNamedQuery("agreementReportDetailQuery");
qry.setParameter("storeId", storeId, Hibernate.STRING);
qry.setParameter("agrStatId", agrStatId, Hibernate.LONG);
qry.setParameter("startLetter", startLetter, Hibernate.STRING);
<<and about 20 more parameters>> ...
return qry.list();

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter startLetter does not exist as a named parameter in [....]
at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.setParameter(AbstractQueryImpl.java:349)
... << now into my DAO code >>

Name and version of the database you are using: DB2/400

The generated SQL (show_sql=true): SQL not generated

I have a very complex SQL query (approx 370 lines) stored as a named query. It uses the DB2 WITH construct (virtual view), many joins, subselects, etc. It accepts 24 named parameters. Some of the named parameters occur multiple times within the query.

This query was working until recently. After creating the Query, I used getQueryString(), but it looks fine (the named parameters are still intact and 'startLetter' is definately in the string). I then dumped the array of named parameters by iterating over qry.getNamedParameters() -- only three named parameters in the array! These three happen to be the first three found in the query string.

We upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.1.3 about a month ago and this is the first time I have looked at this code since. Has anyone else seen a problem like this?

Curtis ...

---- Don't forget to rate! ----

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:01 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:08 pm
Posts: 2008
The <sql-query> would be helpful, can you post that?

Code tags are your friend. Know them and use them.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:36 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:56 pm
Posts: 136
Location: Erie, PA (USA)
Here is the entire mapping file. As you can see, it is very long and query is very complex - that is why I avoided posting it originally. As I mentioned above, this was working - orginally using 2.1.x and then using 3.0.5.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd">

<class name="com.xxxxxxx.yyyyyy.persistence.agreement.AgreementReportDetailView">
<key-property name="agreementId" type="java.lang.Long" />
<key-property name="sku" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="customerId" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Long" />
<property name="openDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="closeDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="disclosure" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="originalWeeks" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<property name="term" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Float" />
<property name="agreementWeeklyRate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="schedule" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="lastName" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="firstName" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="mi" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="seniorCode" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="phone" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="address1" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="address2" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="custCity" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="custZipCode" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="custState" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="scheduleText" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="rentalRevenue" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="totalPurchaseCost" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="rv" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="dueDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="lastDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="latePaid" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="numberOfDaysLate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<property name="monthsOpened" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<property name="totalPDateInMonths" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<property name="coverageMethod" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="model" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="vendor" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="purchaseDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="purchaseCost" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="bookValue" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Double" />
<property name="itemTypes" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="itemId" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="itemDescription" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="itemSerialNumber" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="itemAddDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="closeReason" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="agreementType" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="routeName" update="false" insert="false" type="com.xxxxxxx.common.persistence.RWCharStringType" />
<property name="lastActivityDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />
<property name="custMaxDaysLate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<property name="paidOffDate" update="false" insert="false" type="java.util.Date" />

<sql-query name="agreementReportDetailQuery">
WITH agreementDueDatesForStore AS (
SELECT agreementDueDates.*
tblAgreementDueDates agreementDueDates
INNER JOIN tblAgreementMaster agreementMaster
ON agreementMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id = agreementDueDates.fk_AgrMast_Id
AND agreementMaster.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
INNER JOIN tblAgreementStatus agreementStatus
ON agreementStatus.fk_AgrMast_Id = agreementMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id
AND agreementStatus.fk_Status_Id = :agrStatId
agreementInventoryForStore AS (
SELECT agreementInventory.*
tblAgreementInventory agreementInventory
INNER JOIN tblAgreementMaster agreementMaster
ON agreementMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id = agreementInventory.fk_AgrMast_Id
AND agreementMaster.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
INNER JOIN tblAgreementStatus agreementStatus
ON agreementStatus.fk_AgrMast_Id = agreementMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id
AND agreementStatus.fk_Status_Id = :agrStatId
innerQuery.agreementId AS {agrDetail.agreementId},
innerQuery.customerId AS {agrDetail.customerId},
innerQuery.openDate AS {agrDetail.openDate},
innerQuery.closeDate AS {agrDetail.closeDate},
innerQuery.disclosure AS {agrDetail.disclosure},
innerQuery.originalWeeks AS {agrDetail.originalWeeks},
innerQuery.term AS {agrDetail.term},
innerQuery.agreementWeeklyRate AS {agrDetail.agreementWeeklyRate},
innerQuery.schedule AS {agrDetail.schedule},
innerQuery.lastName AS {agrDetail.lastName},
innerQuery.firstName AS {agrDetail.firstName},
innerQuery.mi AS {agrDetail.mi},
innerQuery.seniorCode AS {agrDetail.seniorCode},
innerQuery.address1 AS {agrDetail.address1},
innerQuery.address2 AS {agrDetail.address2},
innerQuery.custCity AS {agrDetail.custCity},
innerQuery.custZipCode AS {agrDetail.custZipCode},
innerQuery.custState AS {agrDetail.custState},
innerQuery.scheduleText AS {agrDetail.scheduleText},
innerQuery.rentalRevenue AS {agrDetail.rentalRevenue},
innerQuery.totalPurchaseCost AS {agrDetail.totalPurchaseCost},
innerQuery.rv AS {agrDetail.rv},
innerQuery.dueDate AS {agrDetail.dueDate},
innerQuery.lastDate AS {agrDetail.lastDate},
innerQuery.latePaid AS {agrDetail.latePaid},
innerQuery.sku AS {agrDetail.sku},
innerQuery.purchaseDate AS {agrDetail.purchaseDate},
innerQuery.model AS {agrDetail.model},
innerQuery.vendor AS {agrDetail.vendor},
innerQuery.purchaseCost AS {agrDetail.purchaseCost},
innerQuery.bookValue AS {agrDetail.bookValue},
innerQuery.itemTypes AS {agrDetail.itemTypes},
innerQuery.itemId AS {agrDetail.itemId},
innerQuery.itemDescription AS {agrDetail.itemDescription},
innerQuery.itemSerialNumber AS {agrDetail.itemSerialNumber},
innerQuery.itemAddDate AS {agrDetail.itemAddDate},
innerQuery.closeReason AS {agrDetail.closeReason},
innerQuery.agreementType AS {agrDetail.agreementType},
innerQuery.routeName AS {agrDetail.routeName},
innerQuery.lastActivityDate AS {agrDetail.lastActivityDate},
innerQuery.paidOffDate AS {agrDetail.paidOffDate},

WHEN LENGTH(TRIM(innerQuery.phone)) < 10
'(' ||
SUBSTRING(innerQuery.phone, 0, 4) ||
') ' ||
SUBSTRING(innerQuery.phone, 4, 3) ||
'-' ||
SUBSTRING(innerQuery.phone, 7, 4) ||
(CASE WHEN LENGTH(TRIM(innerQuery.phone)) > 10 THEN ' x' || SUBSTRING(innerQuery.phone, 11) ELSE '' END)
END) AS {agrDetail.phone},

DAYS(CURRENT DATE) - DAYS(innerQuery.dueDate) AS {agrDetail.numberOfDaysLate},

((MONTH(CURRENT DATE) + (YEAR(CURRENT DATE) * 12)) - (MONTH(innerQuery.openDate) + (YEAR(innerQuery.openDate) * 12))) AS {agrDetail.monthsOpened},

(((MONTH(CURRENT DATE) + (YEAR(CURRENT DATE) * 12)) * innerQuery.numberOfItems) - innerQuery.accumMonths) AS {agrDetail.totalPDateInMonths},

WHEN innerQuery.custCoverFee IS NOT NULL
THEN 'Club'
WHEN innerQuery.ldw IS NOT NULL
ELSE 'none'
END) AS {agrDetail.coverageMethod},

0 AS {agrDetail.custMaxDaysLate}

master.pk_agrMast_id AS agreementId,
master.fk_custMast_id AS customerId,
master.dtOpenDate AS openDate,

detail.decDisclosure AS disclosure,
detail.sintOriginalWeeks AS originalWeeks,
detail.sintTotalPayments AS term,
detail.decAgrDetailWeeklyRate AS agreementWeeklyRate,
detail.decRegularRate AS schedule,
detail.strAgreementItemTypes AS itemTypes,

status.dtCloseDate AS closeDate,

custMaster.strLastName AS lastName,
custMaster.strFirstName AS firstName,
custMaster.strMI AS mi,
srTermId.strShortDescr AS seniorCode,
custMaster.strPrimaryPhone AS phone,

routeMaster.strRouteDescription AS routeName,

custAddress.strAddress1 AS address1,
custAddress.strAddress2 AS address2,
custAddress.city AS custCity,
custAddress.strZipCode AS custZipCode,
custAddress.strStateAbbreviation AS custState,

WHEN UPPER(LEFT(schedLang.strDescription, 1)) = 'W'
THEN agrCover.decAgrCoverageWeeklyFee
WHEN UPPER(LEFT(schedLang.strDescription, 1)) = 'B'
THEN agrCover.decAgrCoverageWeeklyFee / 2
WHEN UPPER(LEFT(schedLang.strDescription, 1)) = 'S'
THEN agrCover.decAgrCoverageSemiMonthlyFee
WHEN UPPER(LEFT(schedLang.strDescription, 1)) = 'M'
THEN agrCover.decAgrCoverageMonthlyFee
END) AS ldw,

invMaster.strType || invMaster.strSubtype || invMaster.PK_INVMAST_ID AS sku,
invMaster.PK_INVMAST_ID AS itemId,
invMaster.dtPurchaseDate AS purchaseDate,
invMaster.strSerialNumber AS itemSerialNumber,
modelMaster.strModelNumber AS model,
modelMaster.strDescription AS itemDescription,
vendor.strVendorCode AS vendor,
gaapDepr.decPurchaseCost AS purchaseCost,
gaapDeprRV.decRV AS bookValue,
agrInv.dtOpenDate AS itemAddDate,
custCover.decCustCoverageWeeklyFee AS custCoverFee,

schedLang.strDescription AS scheduleText,

agrCloseId.strLongDescr AS closeReason,

WHEN agrTypeId.strCode IN ('LI', 'LC')
THEN 'Loaner'
ELSE 'Rental'
END) AS agreementType,

THEN detail.dtInitialDueDate
ELSE a1.dtDueDate
END)) AS dueDate,

THEN detail.dtInitialDueDate
ELSE a1.dtDueDate
END)) AS lastDate,

WHEN (detail.decAgrDetailWeeklyRate IS NOT NULL AND detail.decAgrDetailWeeklyRate > 0)
THEN DATE((CASE WHEN a1.FK_AGRMAST_ID IS null THEN detail.dtInitialDueDate ELSE a1.dtDueDate END)) +
(CEILING((FLOAT(detail.decDisclosure - IFNULL(a2.agrRevenue, 0)) / FLOAT(detail.decAgrDetailWeeklyRate)) * 7)) DAYS
END) AS paidOffDate,

IFNULL(a2.agrRevenue, 0) AS rentalRevenue,
IFNULL(a4.totalPurchaseCost, 0) AS totalPurchaseCost,
IFNULL(a4.rv, 0) AS rv,
IFNULL(a5.latePaid, 0) AS latePaid,
IFNULL(a6.numberOfItems, 0) AS numberOfItems,
IFNULL(a7.accumMonths, 0) AS accumMonths,

a8.dtCreateDate AS lastActivityDate

tblAgreementMaster master
INNER JOIN tblAgreementDetail detail ON detail.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id
INNER JOIN tblAgreementStatus status
ON status.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id
AND status.fk_Status_Id = :agrStatId
INNER JOIN tblCodes agrSubstatId ON agrSubstatId.pk_Code_Id = status.fk_Substatus_Id
INNER JOIN tblCodes agrTypeId ON agrTypeId.pk_Code_Id = status.fk_AgreementCode_Id

INNER JOIN tblCustomerMaster custMaster ON custMaster.pk_CustMast_Id = master.fk_CustMast_Id
INNER JOIN tblCustomerDetail custDetail ON custDetail.fk_CustMast_Id = master.fk_CustMast_Id

INNER JOIN tblScheduleMaster schedMaster ON schedMaster.pk_SchMast_Id = status.fk_Schedule_Id
INNER JOIN tblScheduleLanguage schedLang
ON schedLang.fk_SchMast_Id = schedMaster.pk_SchMast_Id
AND schedLang.fk_Language_Id = :englishLanguageId

LEFT JOIN tblRouteMaster routeMaster ON routeMaster.pk_RtMast_Id = custDetail.fk_RtMast_Id

LEFT JOIN tblCodes srTermId ON srTermId.pk_Code_Id = custMaster.fk_SeniorTerm_Id
LEFT JOIN tblCodes agrCloseId ON agrCloseId.pk_Code_Id = status.fk_CloseCode_Id

LEFT JOIN agreementInventoryForStore AS agrInv ON agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id
LEFT JOIN tblInventoryMaster invMaster ON invMaster.pk_InvMast_Id = agrInv.fk_InvMast_Id
LEFT JOIN tblModelMaster modelMaster ON modelMaster.pk_Model_Id = invMaster.fk_Model_Id
LEFT JOIN tblVendor vendor ON vendor.pk_Vendor_Id = modelMaster.fk_Vendor_Id
LEFT JOIN tblInvGAAPDepr gaapDepr ON gaapDepr.fk_InvMast_Id = invMaster.pk_InvMast_Id
LEFT JOIN tblInvGAAPDeprRV gaapDeprRV ON gaapDeprRV.fk_InvGAAPDepr_Id = gaapDepr.pk_InvGAAPDepr_Id

/* Gets the Customer's Mailing Address */
ca.fk_CustMast_Id, ca.strAddress1, ca.strAddress2,
ca.city, ca.strZipCode, stateMaster.strStateAbbreviation
tblCustomerAddresses ca
INNER JOIN tblCustomerMaster cm
ON cm.pk_CustMast_Id = ca.fk_CustMast_Id
AND cm.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
INNER JOIN tblStateMaster stateMaster ON stateMaster.pk_StMast_Id = ca.fk_StMast_Id
WHERE ca.fk_AddressType_Id = :primaryAddressTypeId
) custAddress ON custAddress.fk_CustMast_Id = master.fk_CustMast_Id

/* Gets the Agreement Coverage info, if there is any that is Active */
ac.fk_AgrMast_id, ac.decAgrCoverageWeeklyFee,
ac.decAgrCoverageMonthlyFee, ac.decAgrCoverageSemiMonthlyFee
tblAgreementCoverage ac
INNER JOIN tblAgreementMaster agrMaster
ON agrMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id = ac.fk_AgrMast_Id
AND agrMaster.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
WHERE ac.fk_Status_Id = :activeAgrCoverageId
) agrCover ON agrCover.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the Customer Coverage info, if there is any that is Active */
SELECT cc.fk_CustMast_Id, cc.decCustCoverageWeeklyFee
tblCustomerCoverage cc
INNER JOIN tblCustomerMaster cm
ON cm.pk_CustMast_Id = cc.fk_CustMast_Id
AND cm.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
WHERE cc.fk_Status_Id = :activeCustCoverageId
) custCover ON custCover.fk_CustMast_Id = master.fk_CustMast_Id

/* Gets the next Due Date */
SELECT add2.fk_AgrMast_Id, dtDueDate
tblAgreementDueDates add2
MAX(TIMESTAMP(agrDueDates.dtCreateDate)) AS dtCreateDate
agreementDueDatesForStore AS agrDueDates
GROUP BY agrDueDates.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a1 ON a1.fk_AgrMast_Id = add2.fk_AgrMast_Id AND a1.dtCreateDate = add2.dtCreateDate
) a1 ON a1.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the rental revenue */
SUM(add.decRentalRevenue + IFNULL(add.decPoaRevenue, 0)) AS agrRevenue
FROM agreementDueDatesForStore AS add
WHERE ((add.decRentalRevenue <> 0) OR (IFNULL(add.decPoaRevenue, 0) <> 0))
GROUP BY add.fk_AgrMast_Id
HAVING (SUM(add.decRentalRevenue + IFNULL(add.decPoaRevenue, 0)) <> 0)
) a2 ON a2.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the agreement remaining value and total purchase cost */
SUM(gaapDepr.decPurchaseCost) AS totalPurchaseCost,
SUM(gaapDeprRV.decRV) AS rv
tblInvGAAPDeprRV gaapDeprRV
INNER JOIN tblInvGAAPDepr gaapDepr
ON gaapDepr.pk_InvGAAPDepr_Id = gaapDeprRV.fk_InvGAAPDepr_Id
INNER JOIN agreementInventoryForStore AS agrInv
ON agrInv.fk_InvMast_Id = gaapDepr.fk_InvMast_Id
GROUP BY agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a4 ON a4.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the total late fee paid */
SELECT dueDate.fk_AgrMast_Id, SUM(rcptDetail.decAmount) AS latePaid
agreementDueDatesForStore AS dueDate
INNER JOIN tblReceiptDetail rcptDetail
ON rcptDetail.fk_RcptMast_Id = dueDate.fk_RcptMast_Id
INNER JOIN tblReceiptDetailCodes detCodes
ON detCodes.pk_RcptDCodes_Id = rcptDetail.fk_RcptDCodes_Id
WHERE detCodes.strSourceCode = 'PAYLF'
GROUP BY dueDate.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a5 ON a5.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the number of items on the agreement */
SELECT agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id, COUNT(*) AS numberOfItems
agreementInventoryForStore AS agrInv
INNER JOIN tblAgreementStatus status ON agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id = status.fk_AgrMast_Id
(status.fk_Status_Id = :activeAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate IS NULL)
OR (status.fk_Status_Id = :inactiveAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate = status.dtCloseDate)
GROUP BY agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a6 ON a6.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the age of the items on the agreement, in months */
SUM(MONTH(invMast.dtPurchaseDate) + (YEAR(invMast.dtPurchaseDate) * 12)) AS accumMonths
tblInventoryMaster invMast
INNER JOIN agreementInventoryForStore agrInv
ON agrInv.fk_InvMast_Id = invMast.pk_InvMast_Id
INNER JOIN tblAgreementStatus status ON agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id = status.fk_AgrMast_Id
(status.fk_Status_Id = :activeAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate IS NULL)
OR (status.fk_Status_Id = :inactiveAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate = status.dtCloseDate)
GROUP BY agrInv.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a7 ON a7.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

/* Gets the last activity date */
agrActivity.fk_AgrMast_Id, MAX(TIMESTAMP(agrActivity.dtCreateDate)) AS dtCreateDate
tblAgreementActivity agrActivity
INNER JOIN tblAgreementMaster agrMaster
ON agrMaster.pk_AgrMast_Id = agrActivity.fk_AgrMast_Id
AND agrMaster.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
GROUP BY agrActivity.fk_AgrMast_Id
) a8 ON a8.fk_AgrMast_Id = master.pk_AgrMast_Id

master.fk_Store_Id = :storeId
AND UPPER(LEFT(custMaster.strLastName, 1)) BETWEEN :startLetter AND :endLetter
AND ((status.fk_Status_Id = :activeAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate IS NULL)
OR (status.fk_Status_Id = :inactiveAgrStatId AND agrInv.dtCloseDate = status.dtCloseDate))
AND detail.strAgreementItemTypes LIKE :itemType
AND ((:checkForLoaners = 'true' AND agrTypeId.strCode IN ('LI', 'LC')) OR
(:checkForLoaners = 'false' AND NOT agrTypeId.strCode IN ('LI', 'LC')))
AND (:checkRouteId = 'false' OR custDetail.fk_RtMast_Id = :routeId)
AND (:checkFromDate = 'false' OR master.dtOpenDate >= :fromDate)
AND (:checkForPending = 'false' OR agrSubstatId.strCode = 'P')
AND (:checkForReissues = 'false' OR agrSubstatId.strCode IN ('V', 'C'))
) AS innerQuery

(:checkExpired = 'false' OR DAYS(CURRENT DATE) - DAYS(innerQuery.dueDate) >= 0)
AND (:checkDueToPay = 'false' OR (innerQuery.dueDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate))
AND (:checkDueToPayWithLate = 'false' OR innerQuery.dueDate <= CURRENT DATE)
AND (:checkPotentialWriteOff = 'false' OR DAYS(VALUE(:endDate, CURRENT DATE)) - DAYS(innerQuery.dueDate) > 90)
AND (:checkDueToPayOff = 'false' OR (innerQuery.paidOffDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate))

<return alias="agrDetail" class="com.xxxxxxx.yyyyyy.persistence.agreement.AgreementReportDetailView" />

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:43 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:10 am
Posts: 8615
Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland (Danish)
put it in jira but try and see if you can reduce the query to something "smaller" and still tricker the errror - thanks.

Don't forget to rate

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:56 pm
Posts: 136
Location: Erie, PA (USA)
This ended up being a problem with encountering a single apostrophe in an SQL comment. All named parameters after the apostrophe are ignored.

I opened an JIRA issue HHH-1706.

The obvious workaround is to remove single apostrophes from SQL comments.

Thanks to those that looked at this.
Curtis ...

---- Don't forget to rate! ----

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