I installed Hibernate 3.1.3 on Weblogic 8.1.
I've set the "hibernate.query.factory_class" property value to "org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory".
For the update statement:
update Token set counter = :counter where id = :id
I'm getting the following:
"org.hibernate.QueryException: query must begin with SELECT or FROM: update [update com.symantec.eb.vo.TokenVO set....."
HQL support of updating single fields is part of 3.1.3, and therefore requires the new parser library antlr?
Currently, I haven't set it as the first thing in Weblogic's classpath as I'm not sure I'll be able to change it on our production machines.
Or am I barking at the wrong tree?
Are there any work arounds?