Hello Hibernate Team,
This is what I'm using to save the object.
public void create(Object obj) throws PersistenceException {
Session sess = null;
try {
sess = sessionFactory.openSession();
} catch (HibernateException e) {
log.debug(e, e);
throw new PersistenceException(e);
} finally {
But I as told you before, it used to hang before. So, we were doing SQL Trace. Unfortunately for couple of Tables, it puts BEGIN TRAN before it.
Like This,
It doesn't happen for all tables, only a selected few(although the above code is common). Then I tried putting a transaction..The SQL Trace was like this,
Stil, this dangling BEGIN TRAN is there. I need to find out a way to turn it off. My Database is SQl Server 2000 SP3 w/Cumulative Patch MS03-031, and we are using Hibernate 2.
I'm attaching my hibernate.properties for your ref
### Query Language ###
## define query language constants / function names
hibernate.query.substitutions true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N'
## package imports
hibernate.query.imports net.sf.hibernate.test, net.sf.hibernate.eg
### Platforms ###
## JNDI Datasource
#hibernate.connection.datasource jdbc/SAFT
#hibernate.connection.username u
#hibernate.connection.password p
hibernate.connection.datasource jdbc/pooled/CIT
#hibernate.connection.username u
#hibernate.connection.password p
## MS SQL Server
hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
hibernate.connection.driver_class com.inet.tds.TdsDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:inetdae7:PEP_SQL?database=CIT
#hibernate.connection.username CITuser
#hibernate.connection.password CITuser
### Hibernate Connection Pool ###
hibernate.connection.pool_size 20
#hibernate.statement_cache.size 20
### C3P0 Connection Pool###
#hibernate.c3p0.max_size 2
#hibernate.c3p0.min_size 2
#hibernate.c3p0.timeout 5000
#hibernate.c3p0.max_statements 100
#hibernate.c3p0.validate false
### Apache DBCP Connection Pool ###
# connection pool
#hibernate.dbcp.maxActive 100
#hibernate.dbcp.whenExhaustedAction 1
#hibernate.dbcp.maxWait 120000
#hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle 10
## prepared statement cache
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxActive 100
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.whenExhaustedAction 1
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxWait 120000
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxIdle 100
# optional query to validate pooled connections:
#hibernate.dbcp.validationQuery select 1 from dual
### Plugin ConnectionProvider ###
## use a custom ConnectionProvider (if not set, Hibernate will choose a built-in ConnectionProvider using hueristics)
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider
hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DBCPConnectionProvider
### Transaction API ###
## the Transaction API abstracts application code from the underlying JTA or JDBC transactions
hibernate.transaction.factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory
#hibernate.transaction.factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory
## to use JTATransactionFactory, Hibernate must be able to locate the UserTransaction in JNDI
## default is java:comp/UserTransaction
#jta.UserTransaction jta/usertransaction
#jta.UserTransaction javax.transaction.UserTransaction
#jta.UserTransaction UserTransaction
## to use JTATransactionFactory with JCS caching, Hibernate must be able to obtain the JTA TransactionManager
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup
hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.OrionTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.ResinTransactionManagerLookup
### Miscellaneous Settings ###
## print all generated SQL to the console
hibernate.show_sql FALSE
## specify a JDBC isolation level
hibernate.connection.isolation 2
## set the JDBC fetch size
#hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size 25
## set the maximum JDBC 2 batch size (a nonzero value enables batching)
hibernate.jdbc.batch_size 0
## enable use of JDBC 2 scrollable ResultSets (specifying a Dialect will cause Hibernate to use a sensible default)
#hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultset true
## use streams when writing binary types to / from JDBC
hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary true
## specify a default schema for unqualified tablenames
#hibernate.default_schema test
## use a custom stylesheet for XML generation (if not specified, hibernate-default.xslt will be used)
#hibernate.xml.output_stylesheet C:/Hibernate/net/sf/hibernate/hibernate-default.xslt
## enable outerjoin fetching (specifying a Dialect will cause Hibernate to use sensible default)
hibernate.use_outer_join false
### Second-level Cache ###
## optimize chache for minimal "puts" instead of minimal "gets" (good for clustered cache)
#hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts true
## enable the query cache
hibernate.cache.use_query_cache true
## choose a cache implementation
hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.EmptyCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.OSCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.JCSCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.SwarmCacheProvider
### JNDI ###
## specify a JNDI name for the SessionFactory
#hibernate.session_factory_name hibernate/sessionFactory
## Hibernate uses JNDI to bind a name to a SessionFactory and to look up the JTA UserTransaction;
## if hibernate.jndi.* are not specified, Hibernate will use the default InitialContext() which
## is the best approach in an application server
#file system
#hibernate.jndi.class com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
#hibernate.jndi.url file:/
#hibernate.jndi.class com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory
I would appreciate any help in this.