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 Post subject: Hibernate Bug with DB2-AS400
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:45 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:03 pm
Posts: 137
Location: Montreal, Quebec

I am having a big problem concerning the link between Hibernate and a DB2-AS400 database. I cannot reach a set of "children" below a "parent". The children collection is Empty, I should have a non-empty collection.

I have a Account table having many "trades" (one-to-many relationship). The primary key of the trade is a "Char 18". I read somewhere in the forum that somebody had a similar problem with String Primary Key on Db2 As400.

I should find 4 children of trades below a specific Account Parent. The problem is not in the xml mapping, because I have build a identical datamodel on a MySql (Intel-PC) database and I can read the 4 Trades Collection on MySql! If I try to get a single instance of Trade (or a single instance of Account) it works well. I can read the data.

If I put Hibernate on the Debugger, I see that the Collection of Trade is created and filled with the correct number of Trade Object, the Trade is containing the correct data, and the Account Object is even reachable from the Trade Object. But somewhere at the end of the Collection Building process, the Collection seems to be re-initialised (or lost) and an empty Collection is added as the Trades collection under the Account Object. This is very strange!

I am using Hibernate 3.0Beta, but I am getting the same error with Hibernate 2.1.7c. I have also test it with JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.3.1 and I got the same problem.

This bug is starting to be anoying. Does anyone have an Idea to correct this bug?

Thanks all.


Mapping documents:


<property name="connection.driver_class">com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver</property>
      <property name="connection.url">jdbc:as400:</property>

      <property name="connection.username">xxx</property>
      <property name="connection.password">xxx</property>
      <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect</property>
      <property name="show_sql">true</property>
      <property name="generate_statistics">true</property>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
   "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

   <class name="Account" table="atfa0100">
      <id name="aimsAccountProductNo" column="acgicd">
         <generator class="assigned"></generator>
      <property name="aimsAccountProduct" column="acj8cd"/>
      <property name="aimsProductCode" column="acabcd"/>
       <set name="trades"
            <key column="trpgcd"/>
            <one-to-many class="Trade"/>
   <class name="Trade"

      <id name="uniqueId" column="trafnb">
         <generator class="assigned"></generator>
      <property name="transactionDate" column="tregdc"/>
      <property name="effectiveDate" column="trehdc"/>
      <property name="aimsSecurityNo" column="trpmcd"/>
      <property name="quantity" column="trahqy"/>
      <property name="amount" column="traiam"/>
      <property name="currencyOfAmount" column="trpncd"/>
      <property name="aimsBSCode" column="trg9cd"/>
      <property name="cancelCode" column="trc1st"/>

        <many-to-one name="account"

Hibernate version:
I tested it with Hibernate 3.0B JDK 1.4 : does not Work
Hibernate 3.0B JDK 1.3.1 : same problem
Hibernate 2.1.7c JDK 1.4 : same problem

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
public void testAstradeAccountAndTrades(){
         SessionFactory sf = new Configuration().configure("db2.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory();
         Session session = sf.openSession();
         Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
         Account account = (Account)session.load(Account.class, "0123ABC");

         Set trades = account.getTrades();

Name and version of the database you are using:
DB2 on a AS400 V5R2

The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
The SQL is correctly generated. See Debug Code below.

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:

11:19:58,748  INFO Environment:443).null(Unknown Source - Hibernate 3.0 beta 1
11:19:58,764  INFO Environment:456).null(Unknown Source - hibernate.properties not found
11:19:58,764  INFO Environment:489).null(Unknown Source - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
11:19:58,795  INFO Environment:519).null(Unknown Source - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
11:19:58,889  INFO Configuration:1095 - configuring from resource: db2.cfg.xml
11:19:58,889  INFO Configuration:1066 - Configuration resource: db2.cfg.xml
11:19:59,045 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - trying to locate http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd in classpath under org/hibernate/
11:19:59,045 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:50 - found http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd in classpath
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - connection.driver_class=com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - connection.url=jdbc:as400:
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - connection.username=xxxxx
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - connection.password=xxxxx
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - show_sql=true
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1052 - generate_statistics=true
11:19:59,123 DEBUG Configuration:1212 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@12233fd [Attribute: name resource value "Account.hbm.xml"]
11:19:59,123  INFO Configuration:425 - Mapping resource: Account.hbm.xml
11:19:59,139 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - trying to locate http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd in classpath under org/hibernate/
11:19:59,342 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:50 - found http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd in classpath
11:19:59,889  INFO HbmBinder:445 - Mapping class: Account -> atfa0100
11:19:59,904 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: aimsAccountProductNo -> acgicd
11:19:59,920 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: aimsAccountProduct -> acj8cd
11:19:59,920 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: aimsProductCode -> acabcd
11:19:59,920 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: trades
11:19:59,920  INFO HbmBinder:445 - Mapping class: Trade -> atft2100
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: uniqueId -> trafnb
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: transactionDate -> tregdc
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: effectiveDate -> trehdc
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: aimsSecurityNo -> trpmcd
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: quantity -> trahqy
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: amount -> traiam
11:19:59,936 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: currencyOfAmount -> trpncd
11:19:59,951 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: aimsBSCode -> trg9cd
11:19:59,967 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: cancelCode -> trc1st
11:20:00,029 DEBUG HbmBinder:885 - Mapped property: account -> trpgcd
11:20:00,029  INFO Configuration:1242 - Configured SessionFactory: null
11:20:00,029 DEBUG Configuration:1243 - properties: {...}
11:20:00,029 DEBUG Configuration:983 - Preparing to build session factory with filters : {}
11:20:00,029  INFO Configuration:780 - processing extends queue
11:20:00,029  INFO Configuration:784 - processing collection mappings
11:20:00,029 DEBUG HbmBinder:2099 - Second pass for collection: Account.trades
11:20:00,029  INFO HbmBinder:1723 - Mapping collection: Account.trades -> atft2100
11:20:00,029 DEBUG HbmBinder:2113 - Mapped collection key: trpgcd, one-to-many: Trade
11:20:00,045  INFO Configuration:793 - processing association property references
11:20:00,045  INFO Configuration:820 - processing foreign key constraints
11:20:00,045 DEBUG Configuration:863 - resolving reference to class: Account
11:20:00,061  INFO Dialect:90 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect
11:20:00,076 DEBUG SQLExceptionConverterFactory:52 - Using dialect defined converter
11:20:00,076  INFO SettingsFactory:97 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
11:20:00,092  INFO SettingsFactory:101 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
11:20:00,092  INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory
11:20:00,092  INFO SettingsFactory:109 - Query language substitutions: {}
11:20:00,092  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
11:20:00,092  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
11:20:00,108  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
11:20:00,123  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver at URL: jdbc:as400:
11:20:00,123  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:83 - connection properties: {user=elaverdi, password=xxxxx}
11:20:00,139 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
11:20:00,139 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:109 - opening new JDBC connection
11:20:00,717 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:115 - created connection to: jdbc:as400:, Isolation Level: 1
11:20:00,717 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:129 - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
11:20:00,717  INFO SettingsFactory:158 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
11:20:00,732 DEBUG SettingsFactory:162 - Wrap result sets: disabled
11:20:00,732  INFO SettingsFactory:166 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
11:20:00,732  INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
11:20:00,732  INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
11:20:00,732  INFO SettingsFactory:178 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:181 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:252 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:189 - Second-level cache: enabled
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:199 - Query cache: disabled
11:20:00,748  INFO SettingsFactory:206 - Echoing all SQL to stdout
11:20:00,764  INFO SettingsFactory:210 - Statistics: enabled
11:20:00,764  INFO SettingsFactory:214 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
11:20:01,873  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:133 - building session factory
11:20:01,873 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:142 - Session factory constructed with filter configurations : {}
11:20:01,873 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:145 - instantiating session factory with properties: {...}
11:20:01,904  WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/D:/work/project/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
11:20:02,295 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:404 - Static SQL for collection: Account.trades
11:20:02,295 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:405 -  Row insert: update atft2100 set trpgcd=? where trafnb=?
11:20:02,311 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:407 -  Row delete: update atft2100 set trpgcd=null where trpgcd=? and trafnb=?
11:20:02,311 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:408 -  One-shot delete: update atft2100 set trpgcd=null where trpgcd=?
11:20:02,311 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2032 - Static SQL for entity: Account
11:20:02,311 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2034 -  Version select: select acgicd from atfa0100 where acgicd =?
11:20:02,311 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2035 -  Snapshot select: select account_.acgicd, account_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_, account_.acabcd as acabcd0_ from atfa0100 account_ where account_.acgicd=?
11:20:02,311 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2037 -  Insert 0: insert into atfa0100 (acj8cd, acabcd, acgicd) values (?, ?, ?)
11:20:02,311 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2038 -  Update 0: update atfa0100 set acj8cd=?, acabcd=? where acgicd=?
11:20:02,326 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2039 -  Delete 0: delete from atfa0100 where acgicd=?
11:20:02,342 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Account: select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=?
11:20:02,342 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Account: select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Account: select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=? for update with rr
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Account: select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=? for update with rr
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2032 - Static SQL for entity: Trade
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2034 -  Version select: select trafnb from atft2100 where trafnb =?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2035 -  Snapshot select: select trade_.trafnb, trade_.tregdc as tregdc1_, trade_.trehdc as trehdc1_, trade_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_, trade_.trahqy as trahqy1_, trade_.traiam as traiam1_, trade_.trpncd as trpncd1_, trade_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_, trade_.trc1st as trc1st1_, trade_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_ from atft2100 trade_ where trade_.trafnb=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2037 -  Insert 0: insert into atft2100 (tregdc, trehdc, trpmcd, trahqy, traiam, trpncd, trg9cd, trc1st, trpgcd, trafnb) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2038 -  Update 0: update atft2100 set tregdc=?, trehdc=?, trpmcd=?, trahqy=?, traiam=?, trpncd=?, trg9cd=?, trc1st=?, trpgcd=? where trafnb=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2039 -  Delete 0: delete from atft2100 where trafnb=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Trade: select trade0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trade0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trade0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trade0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trade0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trade0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trade0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trade0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trade0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trade0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trade0_ where trade0_.trafnb=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Trade: select trade0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trade0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trade0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trade0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trade0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trade0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trade0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trade0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trade0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trade0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trade0_ where trade0_.trafnb=?
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Trade: select trade0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trade0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trade0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trade0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trade0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trade0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trade0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trade0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trade0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trade0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trade0_ where trade0_.trafnb=? for update with rr
11:20:02,358 DEBUG EntityLoader:91 - Static select for entity Trade: select trade0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trade0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trade0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trade0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trade0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trade0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trade0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trade0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trade0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trade0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trade0_ where trade0_.trafnb=? for update with rr
11:20:02,373 DEBUG OneToManyLoader:94 - Static select for one-to-many Account.trades: select trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trades0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trades0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trades0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trades0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trades0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trades0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trades0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trades0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trades0_ where trades0_.trpgcd=?
11:20:02,373 DEBUG SessionFactoryObjectFactory:39).null(Unknown Source - initializing class SessionFactoryObjectFactory
11:20:02,373 DEBUG SessionFactoryObjectFactory:76 - registered: 8a20e1e80172062a010172062cc50000 (unnamed)
11:20:02,373  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
11:20:02,373 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:237 - instantiated session factory
11:20:02,373  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:356 - Checking 0 named queries
11:20:02,404 DEBUG SessionImpl:214 - opened session
11:20:02,420 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:38 - begin
11:20:02,420 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:377 - opening JDBC connection
11:20:02,420 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
11:20:02,420 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:99 - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
11:20:02,420 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:42 - current autocommit status: false
11:20:02,420 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,420 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:219 - creating new proxy for entity
11:20:02,436 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:291 - attempting to resolve: [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,436 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:327 - object not resolved in any cache: [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,436 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2299 - Materializing entity: [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,436 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:252 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
11:20:02,451 DEBUG SQL:290 - select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=?
Hibernate: select account0_.acgicd as acgicd0_, account0_.acj8cd as acj8cd0_0_, account0_.acabcd as acabcd0_0_ from atfa0100 account0_ where account0_.acgicd=?
11:20:02,451 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:341 - preparing statement
11:20:02,545 DEBUG StringType:46 - binding '0123ABC' to parameter: 1
11:20:02,639 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:268 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
11:20:02,654 DEBUG Loader:1097 - Using naked result set
11:20:02,654 DEBUG Loader:361 - processing result set
11:20:02,654 DEBUG Loader:643 - result row: EntityKey[Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,654 DEBUG Loader:785 - Initializing object from ResultSet: EntityKey[Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,654 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1488 - Hydrating entity: [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,654 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123A               ' as column: acj8cd0_0_
11:20:02,654 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'AAA' as column: acabcd0_0_

11:20:02,654 DEBUG Loader:381 - done processing result set (1 rows)
11:20:02,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:275 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
11:20:02,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:260 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
11:20:02,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:361 - closing statement
11:20:02,686 DEBUG Loader:424 - total objects hydrated: 1
11:20:02,686 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:79 - resolving associations for [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,701 DEBUG PersistentCollectionType:314 - creating collection wrapper:[Account.trades#0123ABC]
11:20:02,701 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:137 - done materializing entity [Account#0123ABC]
11:20:02,701 DEBUG PersistentContext:656 - initializing non-lazy collections
11:20:02,701 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:35 - initializing collection [Account.trades#0123ABC]
11:20:02,701 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:40 - checking second-level cache
11:20:02,701 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:52 - collection not cached
11:20:02,701 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:252 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
11:20:02,701 DEBUG SQL:290 - select trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trades0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trades0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trades0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trades0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trades0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trades0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trades0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trades0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trades0_ where trades0_.trpgcd=?
Hibernate: select trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb__, trades0_.trafnb as trafnb0_, trades0_.tregdc as tregdc1_0_, trades0_.trehdc as trehdc1_0_, trades0_.trpmcd as trpmcd1_0_, trades0_.trahqy as trahqy1_0_, trades0_.traiam as traiam1_0_, trades0_.trpncd as trpncd1_0_, trades0_.trg9cd as trg9cd1_0_, trades0_.trc1st as trc1st1_0_, trades0_.trpgcd as trpgcd1_0_ from atft2100 trades0_ where trades0_.trpgcd=?
11:20:02,717 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:341 - preparing statement
11:20:02,779 DEBUG StringType:46 - binding '0123ABC' to parameter: 1
11:20:02,826 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:268 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
11:20:02,826 DEBUG Loader:1097 - Using naked result set
11:20:02,826 DEBUG Loader:555 - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [Account.trades#0123ABC]
11:20:02,842 DEBUG PersistentContext:615 - uninitialized collection: initializing
11:20:02,842 DEBUG Loader:361 - processing result set
11:20:02,842 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '66936889' as column: trafnb0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG Loader:643 - result row: EntityKey[Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,842 DEBUG Loader:785 - Initializing object from ResultSet: EntityKey[Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,842 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1488 - Hydrating entity: [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: tregdc1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: trehdc1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '223342         ' as column: trpmcd1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '85.000' as column: trahqy1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0.00' as column: traiam1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'CAD' as column: trpncd1_0_
11:20:02,842 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'AS ' as column: trg9cd1_0_
11:20:02,858 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'Y' as column: trc1st1_0_
11:20:02,858 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd1_0_
11:20:02,858 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd__
11:20:02,858 DEBUG Loader:496 - found row of collection: [Account.trades#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG PersistentContext:627 - new collection: instantiating
11:20:02,858 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '66936889' as column: trafnb__
11:20:02,858 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:200 - entity found in session cache
11:20:02,858 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:291 - attempting to resolve: [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:300 - resolved object in session cache: [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '66936890' as column: trafnb0_
11:20:02,858 DEBUG Loader:643 - result row: EntityKey[Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG Loader:785 - Initializing object from ResultSet: EntityKey[Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,858 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1488 - Hydrating entity: [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,873 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: tregdc1_0_
11:20:02,873 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: trehdc1_0_
11:20:02,873 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '223342         ' as column: trpmcd1_0_
11:20:02,873 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '-90910.000' as column: trahqy1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '-105370.60' as column: traiam1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'CAD' as column: trpncd1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'AS ' as column: trg9cd1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'N' as column: trc1st1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd1_0_
11:20:02,889 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd__
11:20:02,889 DEBUG Loader:496 - found row of collection: [Account.trades#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,889 DEBUG PersistentContext:638 - reading row
11:20:02,889 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '66936890' as column: trafnb__
11:20:02,889 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,889 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:200 - entity found in session cache
11:20:02,889 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:291 - attempting to resolve: [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,889 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:300 - resolved object in session cache: [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,904 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '67105964' as column: trafnb0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG Loader:643 - result row: EntityKey[Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,904 DEBUG Loader:785 - Initializing object from ResultSet: EntityKey[Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,904 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1488 - Hydrating entity: [Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: tregdc1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: trehdc1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '223342         ' as column: trpmcd1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '85.000' as column: trahqy1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '98.60' as column: traiam1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'CAD' as column: trpncd1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'AS ' as column: trg9cd1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'Y' as column: trc1st1_0_
11:20:02,904 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd1_0_
11:20:02,920 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd__
11:20:02,920 DEBUG Loader:496 - found row of collection: [Account.trades#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,920 DEBUG PersistentContext:638 - reading row
11:20:02,920 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '67105964' as column: trafnb__
11:20:02,920 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,920 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:200 - entity found in session cache
11:20:02,936 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:291 - attempting to resolve: [Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,936 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:300 - resolved object in session cache: [Trade#67105964]
11:20:02,936 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '67105965' as column: trafnb0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG Loader:643 - result row: EntityKey[Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,936 DEBUG Loader:785 - Initializing object from ResultSet: EntityKey[Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,936 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1488 - Hydrating entity: [Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: tregdc1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '20041207' as column: trehdc1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '223342         ' as column: trpmcd1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '-85.000' as column: trahqy1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0.00' as column: traiam1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'CAD' as column: trpncd1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'AS ' as column: trg9cd1_0_
11:20:02,936 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning 'N' as column: trc1st1_0_
11:20:02,951 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd1_0_
11:20:02,951 DEBUG StringType:68 - returning '0123ABC           ' as column: trpgcd__
11:20:02,951 DEBUG Loader:496 - found row of collection: [Account.trades#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,951 DEBUG PersistentContext:638 - reading row
11:20:02,951 DEBUG LongType:68 - returning '67105965' as column: trafnb__
11:20:02,951 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,951 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:200 - entity found in session cache
11:20:02,951 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:291 - attempting to resolve: [Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,951 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:300 - resolved object in session cache: [Trade#67105965]
11:20:02,951 DEBUG Loader:381 - done processing result set (4 rows)
11:20:02,951 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:275 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
11:20:02,967 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:260 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
11:20:02,967 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:361 - closing statement
11:20:02,998 DEBUG Loader:424 - total objects hydrated: 4
11:20:02,998 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:79 - resolving associations for [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Account#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:219 - creating new proxy for entity
11:20:02,998 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:137 - done materializing entity [Trade#66936889]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:79 - resolving associations for [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Account#0123ABC           ]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:214 - entity proxy found in session cache
11:20:02,998 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:137 - done materializing entity [Trade#66936890]
11:20:02,998 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:79 - resolving associations for [Trade#67105964]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Account#0123ABC           ]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:214 - entity proxy found in session cache
11:20:03,014 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:137 - done materializing entity [Trade#67105964]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:79 - resolving associations for [Trade#67105965]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:185 - loading entity: [Account#0123ABC           ]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:214 - entity proxy found in session cache
11:20:03,014 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:137 - done materializing entity [Trade#67105965]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG PersistentContext:698 - 2 collections were found in result set
11:20:03,014 DEBUG PersistentContext:727 - collection fully initialized: [Account.trades#0123ABC           ]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG PersistentContext:727 - collection fully initialized: [Account.trades#0123ABC]
11:20:03,014 DEBUG PersistentContext:706 - 2 collections initialized
11:20:03,014 DEBUG PersistentContext:656 - initializing non-lazy collections
11:20:03,014 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:54 - collection initialized
11:20:03,029 DEBUG Account:92 - getting trades ! lenght: 0

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:54 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Use VARCHAR instead of CHAR as the column type.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:50 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:03 pm
Posts: 137
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Thanks a lot Gavin for your reply,

Few minutes before your reply, I try to put "0123ABC " instead of "0131HL9" to respect the "char 18" primary key and it works! I got all Trades below the Account. I think this solution might be a reasonable "patch".

As you propose, a varchar as a primary key might also work. But it would be harder to do (without a View on the database...) because it is a legacy system.

Do you think, in a future version, Hibernate could trim the "0123ABC " to match "0123ABC" like the AS400DB2 driver (or DB2 Database) seems to do, or this would be inappropriate, because the impact would be too great?

Thanks again.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:20 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:23 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:03 pm
Posts: 137
Location: Montreal, Quebec

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:10 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:11 pm
Posts: 142
Location: Somerset
etienne wrote:

I sue a custom type to trim off trailing spaces from all fixed length character fields (CHAR) that are read from DB2 UDB for iSeries files.

Gavin is right, in that VARCHAR is much more sensible to use than CHAR, but CHAR came out before VARCHAR on the iSeries version of DB2, so a lot of legacy databases have CHAR instead of VARCHAR, and a lot of new ones still ahe them too, because people don;t seem to know any better.

Anyway, here is the custom type (you'll need apache commons lang in your classpath):

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import net.sf.hibernate.Hibernate;
import net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException;
import net.sf.hibernate.UserType;

* Custom class for trimming strings on the way out from the database
public class CustomStringTrimType implements UserType {

public CustomStringTrimType() {


public int[] sqlTypes() {

return new int[] { Types.CHAR };


public Class returnedClass() {

return String.class;


public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException {

return (x == y) || (x != null && y != null && (x.equals(y)));


public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet inResultSet, String[] names, Object o)

throws HibernateException, SQLException {

String val = (String)Hibernate.STRING.nullSafeGet(inResultSet, names[0]);

return StringUtils.trim(val);


public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement inPreparedStatement, Object o, int i)

throws HibernateException, SQLException {

String val = (String) o;

inPreparedStatement.setString(i, val);


public Object deepCopy(Object o) throws HibernateException {

if (o==null) return null;

return new String(((String)o));


public boolean isMutable() {

return false;



On the information super B road

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:51 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:11 pm
Posts: 4592
Location: Switzerland
Please add it to the Wiki, it will get lost here.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:55 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:11 pm
Posts: 142
Location: Somerset
christian wrote:
Please add it to the Wiki, it will get lost here.

OK, will try and do that tomorrow (it really is too late for me to be doing that now :-)

On the information super B road

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:03 pm
Posts: 137
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Thanks a lot all, it will help a lot!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:59 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am
Posts: 47
I have the same problem and I added the provided CustomType to may mapping files, and I can see that the values are being trimmed, but my collection is still empty.

Any ideas???

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:00 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:11 pm
Posts: 142
Location: Somerset
juan110470 wrote:
I have the same problem and I added the provided CustomType to may mapping files, and I can see that the values are being trimmed, but my collection is still empty.

Any ideas???

Turn on trace = true on the datasource and see what SQL is actually getting executed on the iSeries, also turn on debug for Hibernate, and post the results here.

I know this is probably teaching you to suck eggs, but have you specified that the id fields, which I assume are strings in Java and fixed length CHAR on the iSeries, use the custom type.

Posting your class hibernate mapping file would help a great deal.

On the information super B road

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am
Posts: 47
Here's the HUGE log after setting debug level.

As you will see I am using the custom user type you provided. Also note on the log how at the end it says that the collection is fully initialized.

Thanks for your interest on this topic.

DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select unit0_.UUREFNO as UUREFNO1_, unit0_.UUNITNO as UUNITNO1_, unit0_.UUCOMP# as UUCOMP#1_, unit0_.UUPRFXN as UUPRFXN1_, unit0_.UUPLNBR as UUPLNBR1_, unit0_.UUNITTY as UUNITTY1_, unit0_.UUNITGR as UUNITGR1_, unit0_.UUVINID as UUVINID1_, unit0_.UUYEAR as UUYEAR1_, unit0_.UUMAKE as UUMAKE1_, unit0_.UUMODL as UUMODL1_, unit0_.UUDESC as UUDESC1_, unit0_.UUZIPC as UUZIPC1_, unit0_.UUCNTY as UUCNTY1_, unit0_.UUCITY as UUCITY1_, unit0_.UUCNTCD as UUCNTCD1_, unit0_.UUSTUS as UUSTUS1_, unit0_.UUACTY as UUACTY1_, unit0_.UUMILE as UUMILE1_, unit0_.UUDELDT as UUDELDT1_, unit0_.UUADDDT as UUADDDT1_, unit0_.UURCLS as UURCLS1_, unit0_.UUODOM as UUODOM1_, unit0_.UURSYMB as UURSYMB1_, unit0_.UUPUSEC as UUPUSEC1_, unit0_.UUTERR as UUTERR1_, unit0_.UUPSRT as UUPSRT1_, unit0_.UUANTF as UUANTF1_, unit0_.UUANTLK as UUANTLK1_, unit0_.UUMULTC as UUMULTC1_, unit0_.UUTRNFD as UUTRNFD1_, unit0_.UURTDRV as UURTDRV1_, unit0_.UURPLCT as UURPLCT1_, unit0_.UUCUSTE as UUCUSTE1_, unit0_.UUHGSYM as UUHGSYM1_, unit0_.UUSNRDR as UUSNRDR1_, unit0_.UUNITCH as UUNITCH1_, unit0_.UUVINCH as UUVINCH1_, leanholder1_.UAUNTNO as UAUNTNO0_, leanholder1_.UAREFNO as UAREFNO0_, leanholder1_.UAAICOD as UAAICOD0_, leanholder1_.UACOMP# as UACOMP#0_, leanholder1_.UAPRFXN as UAPRFXN0_, leanholder1_.UAPLNBR as UAPLNBR0_, leanholder1_.UAKEYFL as UAKEYFL0_, leanholder1_.UAADNTT as UAADNTT0_, leanholder1_.UALOANN as UALOANN0_, leanholder1_.UAADDDT as UAADDDT0_, leanholder1_.UADELDT as UADELDT0_, leanholder1_.UAINAME as UAINAME0_, leanholder1_.UAIADD1 as UAIADD10_, leanholder1_.UAIADD2 as UAIADD20_, leanholder1_.UAICITY as UAICITY0_, leanholder1_.UAISTAT as UAISTAT0_, leanholder1_.UAIZIPC as UAIZIPC0_, leanholder1_.UAIPHN# as UAIPHN#0_, leanholder1_.UAIFAX# as UAIFAX#0_, leanholder1_.UAADLCH as UAADLCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXUNIT unit0_ left outer join UAIGWEBTST.UQXXADLX leanholder1_ on unit0_.UUREFNO=leanholder1_.UAUNTNO and unit0_.UUNITNO=leanholder1_.UAREFNO where unit0_.UUREFNO=? and unit0_.UUNITNO=?
Hibernate: select unit0_.UUREFNO as UUREFNO1_, unit0_.UUNITNO as UUNITNO1_, unit0_.UUCOMP# as UUCOMP#1_, unit0_.UUPRFXN as UUPRFXN1_, unit0_.UUPLNBR as UUPLNBR1_, unit0_.UUNITTY as UUNITTY1_, unit0_.UUNITGR as UUNITGR1_, unit0_.UUVINID as UUVINID1_, unit0_.UUYEAR as UUYEAR1_, unit0_.UUMAKE as UUMAKE1_, unit0_.UUMODL as UUMODL1_, unit0_.UUDESC as UUDESC1_, unit0_.UUZIPC as UUZIPC1_, unit0_.UUCNTY as UUCNTY1_, unit0_.UUCITY as UUCITY1_, unit0_.UUCNTCD as UUCNTCD1_, unit0_.UUSTUS as UUSTUS1_, unit0_.UUACTY as UUACTY1_, unit0_.UUMILE as UUMILE1_, unit0_.UUDELDT as UUDELDT1_, unit0_.UUADDDT as UUADDDT1_, unit0_.UURCLS as UURCLS1_, unit0_.UUODOM as UUODOM1_, unit0_.UURSYMB as UURSYMB1_, unit0_.UUPUSEC as UUPUSEC1_, unit0_.UUTERR as UUTERR1_, unit0_.UUPSRT as UUPSRT1_, unit0_.UUANTF as UUANTF1_, unit0_.UUANTLK as UUANTLK1_, unit0_.UUMULTC as UUMULTC1_, unit0_.UUTRNFD as UUTRNFD1_, unit0_.UURTDRV as UURTDRV1_, unit0_.UURPLCT as UURPLCT1_, unit0_.UUCUSTE as UUCUSTE1_, unit0_.UUHGSYM as UUHGSYM1_, unit0_.UUSNRDR as UUSNRDR1_, unit0_.UUNITCH as UUNITCH1_, unit0_.UUVINCH as UUVINCH1_, leanholder1_.UAUNTNO as UAUNTNO0_, leanholder1_.UAREFNO as UAREFNO0_, leanholder1_.UAAICOD as UAAICOD0_, leanholder1_.UACOMP# as UACOMP#0_, leanholder1_.UAPRFXN as UAPRFXN0_, leanholder1_.UAPLNBR as UAPLNBR0_, leanholder1_.UAKEYFL as UAKEYFL0_, leanholder1_.UAADNTT as UAADNTT0_, leanholder1_.UALOANN as UALOANN0_, leanholder1_.UAADDDT as UAADDDT0_, leanholder1_.UADELDT as UADELDT0_, leanholder1_.UAINAME as UAINAME0_, leanholder1_.UAIADD1 as UAIADD10_, leanholder1_.UAIADD2 as UAIADD20_, leanholder1_.UAICITY as UAICITY0_, leanholder1_.UAISTAT as UAISTAT0_, leanholder1_.UAIZIPC as UAIZIPC0_, leanholder1_.UAIPHN# as UAIPHN#0_, leanholder1_.UAIFAX# as UAIFAX#0_, leanholder1_.UAADLCH as UAADLCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXUNIT unit0_ left outer join UAIGWEBTST.UQXXADLX leanholder1_ on unit0_.UUREFNO=leanholder1_.UAUNTNO and unit0_.UUNITNO=leanholder1_.UAREFNO where unit0_.UUREFNO=? and unit0_.UUNITNO=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:64) - returning null as column: UAUNTNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:64) - returning null as column: UAREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: null, com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UUCOMP#1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UUPRFXN1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UUPLNBR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PC' as column: UUNITTY1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PA' as column: UUNITGR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '3FAFP1136WR178241 ' as column: UUVINID1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1998' as column: UUYEAR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'FORD' as column: UUMAKE1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'ESCORT ZX2' as column: UUMODL1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '98 FORD ESCORT ZX2 BASE/ESCORT' as column: UUDESC1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '75238 ' as column: UUZIPC1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'DALLAS ' as column: UUCNTY1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'DALLAS ' as column: UUCITY1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUCNTCD1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'A' as column: UUSTUS1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUACTY1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UUMILE1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UUDELDT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '2004-08-05 00:00:00' as column: UUADDDT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '9FM ' as column: UURCLS1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UUODOM1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UURSYMB1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PL' as column: UUPUSEC1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '002' as column: UUTERR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUPSRT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUANTF1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUANTLK1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N' as column: UUMULTC1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUTRNFD1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '2' as column: UURTDRV1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UURPLCT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUCUSTE1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUHGSYM1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUSNRDR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUNITCH1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUVINCH1_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3994) - creating collection wrapper:[com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.LeanHolderInfo#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.LeanHolderInfo#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2117) - entity does not exist
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3161) - initializing non-lazy collections
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3307) - initializing collection [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3308) - checking second-level cache
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3314) - collection not cached
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO__, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO__, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD__, unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, unitcovera0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, unitcovera0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, unitcovera0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, unitcovera0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG unitcovera0_ where unitcovera0_.UCREFNO=? and unitcovera0_.UCNITNO=?
Hibernate: select unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO__, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO__, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD__, unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, unitcovera0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, unitcovera0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, unitcovera0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, unitcovera0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG unitcovera0_ where unitcovera0_.UCREFNO=? and unitcovera0_.UCNITNO=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:406) - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3050) - uninitialized collection: initializing
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BI ' as column: UCOVGCD0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@83955cb9
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@83955cb9
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@83955cb9
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BODILY INJURY ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '20/40 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:371) - found row of collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@a523267a]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3062) - new collection: instantiating
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BI ' as column: UCOVGCD__
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
Hibernate: select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BODILY INJURY ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '20/40 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@668a654]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PD ' as column: UCOVGCD0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@cf9bb92c
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@cf9bb92c
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@cf9bb92c
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PROPERTY DAMAGE ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '15000 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:371) - found row of collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@7357cacb]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3062) - new collection: instantiating
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PD ' as column: UCOVGCD__
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
Hibernate: select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PROPERTY DAMAGE ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '15000 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@db7116c]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (2 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 2
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@83955cb9]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@83955cb9]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@cf9bb92c]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@cf9bb92c]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3109) - 3 collections were found in result set
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@a523267a]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@7357cacb]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@df138bec]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3143) - 3 collections initialized
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3316) - collection initialized


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"







































<column name="UCREFNO" />
<column name="UCNITNO" />


<one-to-one name="leanHolder"

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"



















 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:39 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
(1) It does not appear that your problem is in any way related to the first problem in this thread.

(2) Have you implemented equals()/hashCode() correctly on your composite key class

(3) The log isn't very useful if you don't implement toString() on composite key classes

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:43 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am
Posts: 47
The problem is that my collection is misteriously losing all of its elements after what appears to be a proper population by hibernate. Similar to the original problem in this thread. This one of the strangest problems I have ever encountered while using hibernate.

Equals and Hashcode have been implemented using the commoeclipse plugin.

I implemented toString in the composite key classes and here's the output from the log:

The collection in question is the unitCoverages collection.

Any help is greatly appreciated since we are stuck for the time being.


DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select unit0_.UUREFNO as UUREFNO1_, unit0_.UUNITNO as UUNITNO1_, unit0_.UUCOMP# as UUCOMP#1_, unit0_.UUPRFXN as UUPRFXN1_, unit0_.UUPLNBR as UUPLNBR1_, unit0_.UUNITTY as UUNITTY1_, unit0_.UUNITGR as UUNITGR1_, unit0_.UUVINID as UUVINID1_, unit0_.UUYEAR as UUYEAR1_, unit0_.UUMAKE as UUMAKE1_, unit0_.UUMODL as UUMODL1_, unit0_.UUDESC as UUDESC1_, unit0_.UUZIPC as UUZIPC1_, unit0_.UUCNTY as UUCNTY1_, unit0_.UUCITY as UUCITY1_, unit0_.UUCNTCD as UUCNTCD1_, unit0_.UUSTUS as UUSTUS1_, unit0_.UUACTY as UUACTY1_, unit0_.UUMILE as UUMILE1_, unit0_.UUDELDT as UUDELDT1_, unit0_.UUADDDT as UUADDDT1_, unit0_.UURCLS as UURCLS1_, unit0_.UUODOM as UUODOM1_, unit0_.UURSYMB as UURSYMB1_, unit0_.UUPUSEC as UUPUSEC1_, unit0_.UUTERR as UUTERR1_, unit0_.UUPSRT as UUPSRT1_, unit0_.UUANTF as UUANTF1_, unit0_.UUANTLK as UUANTLK1_, unit0_.UUMULTC as UUMULTC1_, unit0_.UUTRNFD as UUTRNFD1_, unit0_.UURTDRV as UURTDRV1_, unit0_.UURPLCT as UURPLCT1_, unit0_.UUCUSTE as UUCUSTE1_, unit0_.UUHGSYM as UUHGSYM1_, unit0_.UUSNRDR as UUSNRDR1_, unit0_.UUNITCH as UUNITCH1_, unit0_.UUVINCH as UUVINCH1_, leanholder1_.UAUNTNO as UAUNTNO0_, leanholder1_.UAREFNO as UAREFNO0_, leanholder1_.UAAICOD as UAAICOD0_, leanholder1_.UACOMP# as UACOMP#0_, leanholder1_.UAPRFXN as UAPRFXN0_, leanholder1_.UAPLNBR as UAPLNBR0_, leanholder1_.UAKEYFL as UAKEYFL0_, leanholder1_.UAADNTT as UAADNTT0_, leanholder1_.UALOANN as UALOANN0_, leanholder1_.UAADDDT as UAADDDT0_, leanholder1_.UADELDT as UADELDT0_, leanholder1_.UAINAME as UAINAME0_, leanholder1_.UAIADD1 as UAIADD10_, leanholder1_.UAIADD2 as UAIADD20_, leanholder1_.UAICITY as UAICITY0_, leanholder1_.UAISTAT as UAISTAT0_, leanholder1_.UAIZIPC as UAIZIPC0_, leanholder1_.UAIPHN# as UAIPHN#0_, leanholder1_.UAIFAX# as UAIFAX#0_, leanholder1_.UAADLCH as UAADLCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXUNIT unit0_ left outer join UAIGWEBTST.UQXXADLX leanholder1_ on unit0_.UUREFNO=leanholder1_.UAUNTNO and unit0_.UUNITNO=leanholder1_.UAREFNO where unit0_.UUREFNO=? and unit0_.UUNITNO=?
Hibernate: select unit0_.UUREFNO as UUREFNO1_, unit0_.UUNITNO as UUNITNO1_, unit0_.UUCOMP# as UUCOMP#1_, unit0_.UUPRFXN as UUPRFXN1_, unit0_.UUPLNBR as UUPLNBR1_, unit0_.UUNITTY as UUNITTY1_, unit0_.UUNITGR as UUNITGR1_, unit0_.UUVINID as UUVINID1_, unit0_.UUYEAR as UUYEAR1_, unit0_.UUMAKE as UUMAKE1_, unit0_.UUMODL as UUMODL1_, unit0_.UUDESC as UUDESC1_, unit0_.UUZIPC as UUZIPC1_, unit0_.UUCNTY as UUCNTY1_, unit0_.UUCITY as UUCITY1_, unit0_.UUCNTCD as UUCNTCD1_, unit0_.UUSTUS as UUSTUS1_, unit0_.UUACTY as UUACTY1_, unit0_.UUMILE as UUMILE1_, unit0_.UUDELDT as UUDELDT1_, unit0_.UUADDDT as UUADDDT1_, unit0_.UURCLS as UURCLS1_, unit0_.UUODOM as UUODOM1_, unit0_.UURSYMB as UURSYMB1_, unit0_.UUPUSEC as UUPUSEC1_, unit0_.UUTERR as UUTERR1_, unit0_.UUPSRT as UUPSRT1_, unit0_.UUANTF as UUANTF1_, unit0_.UUANTLK as UUANTLK1_, unit0_.UUMULTC as UUMULTC1_, unit0_.UUTRNFD as UUTRNFD1_, unit0_.UURTDRV as UURTDRV1_, unit0_.UURPLCT as UURPLCT1_, unit0_.UUCUSTE as UUCUSTE1_, unit0_.UUHGSYM as UUHGSYM1_, unit0_.UUSNRDR as UUSNRDR1_, unit0_.UUNITCH as UUNITCH1_, unit0_.UUVINCH as UUVINCH1_, leanholder1_.UAUNTNO as UAUNTNO0_, leanholder1_.UAREFNO as UAREFNO0_, leanholder1_.UAAICOD as UAAICOD0_, leanholder1_.UACOMP# as UACOMP#0_, leanholder1_.UAPRFXN as UAPRFXN0_, leanholder1_.UAPLNBR as UAPLNBR0_, leanholder1_.UAKEYFL as UAKEYFL0_, leanholder1_.UAADNTT as UAADNTT0_, leanholder1_.UALOANN as UALOANN0_, leanholder1_.UAADDDT as UAADDDT0_, leanholder1_.UADELDT as UADELDT0_, leanholder1_.UAINAME as UAINAME0_, leanholder1_.UAIADD1 as UAIADD10_, leanholder1_.UAIADD2 as UAIADD20_, leanholder1_.UAICITY as UAICITY0_, leanholder1_.UAISTAT as UAISTAT0_, leanholder1_.UAIZIPC as UAIZIPC0_, leanholder1_.UAIPHN# as UAIPHN#0_, leanholder1_.UAIFAX# as UAIFAX#0_, leanholder1_.UAADLCH as UAADLCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXUNIT unit0_ left outer join UAIGWEBTST.UQXXADLX leanholder1_ on unit0_.UUREFNO=leanholder1_.UAUNTNO and unit0_.UUNITNO=leanholder1_.UAREFNO where unit0_.UUREFNO=? and unit0_.UUNITNO=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:64) - returning null as column: UAUNTNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:64) - returning null as column: UAREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: null, com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UUCOMP#1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '08'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UUPRFXN1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'TXS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UUPLNBR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PC' as column: UUNITTY1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PC'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PA' as column: UUNITGR1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PA'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '3FAFP1136WR178241 ' as column: UUVINID1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '3FAFP1136WR178241'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1998' as column: UUYEAR1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'FORD' as column: UUMAKE1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'FORD'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'ESCORT ZX2' as column: UUMODL1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'ESCORT ZX2'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '98 FORD ESCORT ZX2 BASE/ESCORT' as column: UUDESC1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '98 FORD ESCORT ZX2 BASE/ESCORT'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '75238 ' as column: UUZIPC1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '75238'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'DALLAS ' as column: UUCNTY1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'DALLAS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'DALLAS ' as column: UUCITY1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'DALLAS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUCNTCD1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'A' as column: UUSTUS1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'A'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUACTY1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UUMILE1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UUDELDT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '2004-08-05 00:00:00' as column: UUADDDT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '9FM ' as column: UURCLS1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '9FM'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UUODOM1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UURSYMB1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PL' as column: UUPUSEC1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PL'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '002' as column: UUTERR1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '002'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUPSRT1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'N'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUANTF1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'N'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N ' as column: UUANTLK1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'N'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'N' as column: UUMULTC1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'N'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUTRNFD1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '2' as column: UURTDRV1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UURPLCT1_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUCUSTE1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUHGSYM1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUSNRDR1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUNITCH1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UUVINCH1_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3994) - creating collection wrapper:[com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.LeanHolderInfo#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.LeanHolderInfo#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2117) - entity does not exist
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3161) - initializing non-lazy collections
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3307) - initializing collection [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3308) - checking second-level cache
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3314) - collection not cached
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO__, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO__, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD__, unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, unitcovera0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, unitcovera0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, unitcovera0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, unitcovera0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG unitcovera0_ where unitcovera0_.UCREFNO=? and unitcovera0_.UCNITNO=?
Hibernate: select unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO__, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO__, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD__, unitcovera0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, unitcovera0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, unitcovera0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, unitcovera0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, unitcovera0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, unitcovera0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG unitcovera0_ where unitcovera0_.UCREFNO=? and unitcovera0_.UCNITNO=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:406) - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3050) - uninitialized collection: initializing
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BI ' as column: UCOVGCD0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'BI'
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@19f76a5[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@19f76a5[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@19f76a5[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '08'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'TXS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BODILY INJURY ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'BODILY INJURY'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '20/40 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '20/40'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:371) - found row of collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@4c7e10[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3062) - new collection: instantiating
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BI ' as column: UCOVGCD__
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'BI'
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
Hibernate: select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '08'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'TXS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'BODILY INJURY ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'BODILY INJURY'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '20/40 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '20/40'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@1e852be[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PD ' as column: UCOVGCD0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PD'
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@b90a6e[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@b90a6e[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@b90a6e[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '08'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'TXS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PROPERTY DAMAGE ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PROPERTY DAMAGE'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '15000 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '15000'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:371) - found row of collection: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@114fc36[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3062) - new collection: instantiating
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCREFNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1' as column: UCNITNO__
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PD ' as column: UCOVGCD__
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PD'
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:1996) - loading [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2094) - attempting to resolve [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2130) - object not resolved in any cache [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (EntityPersister.java:410) - Materializing entity: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:204) - about to open: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:230) - select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
Hibernate: select coverage0_.UCREFNO as UCREFNO0_, coverage0_.UCNITNO as UCNITNO0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCD as UCOVGCD0_, coverage0_.UCCOMP# as UCCOMP#0_, coverage0_.UCPRFXN as UCPRFXN0_, coverage0_.UCPLNBR as UCPLNBR0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDS as UCOVGDS0_, coverage0_.UCOVGLM as UCOVGLM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDU as UCOVGDU0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDT as UCOVGDT0_, coverage0_.UCOVGST as UCOVGST0_, coverage0_.UCOVGAD as UCOVGAD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGDD as UCOVGDD0_, coverage0_.UCOVGIP as UCOVGIP0_, coverage0_.UCWRTPM as UCWRTPM0_, coverage0_.UCOVGVL as UCOVGVL0_, coverage0_.UCOVGCH as UCOVGCH0_ from UAIGWEBTST.UQXXCOVG coverage0_ where coverage0_.UCREFNO=? and coverage0_.UCNITNO=? and coverage0_.UCOVGCD=?
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:253) - preparing statement
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '600100' to parameter: 1
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:46) - binding '1' to parameter: 2
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:281) - processing result set
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:484) - result row: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:615) - Initializing object from ResultSet: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:684) - Hydrating entity: com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '08' as column: UCCOMP#0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '08'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'TXS ' as column: UCPRFXN0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'TXS'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '600100' as column: UCPLNBR0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning 'PROPERTY DAMAGE ' as column: UCOVGDS0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to 'PROPERTY DAMAGE'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '15000 ' as column: UCOVGLM0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to '15000'
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGDU0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGDT0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGST0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGAD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '1999-11-30 00:00:00' as column: UCOVGDD0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '96.00' as column: UCOVGIP0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0.00' as column: UCWRTPM0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning '0' as column: UCOVGVL0_
DEBUG [main] (NullableType.java:68) - returning ' ' as column: UCOVGCH0_
INFO [main] (CustomStringTrimType.java:52) - Trimmed value to ''
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 1 open PreparedStatements, 1 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@ba5a81[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:298) - done processing result set (2 rows)
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:211) - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG [main] (BatcherImpl.java:275) - closing statement
DEBUG [main] (Loader.java:318) - total objects hydrated: 2
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@19f76a5[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@19f76a5[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=BI]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2216) - resolving associations for [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@b90a6e[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:2247) - done materializing entity [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Coverage#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.CoveragePK@b90a6e[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1,coverageCode=PD]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3109) - 3 collections were found in result set
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@114fc36[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@4c7e10[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3140) - collection fully initialized: [com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.Unit.unitCoverages#com.uaig.migration.history.as400.vo.UnitPK@169c6f2[referenceNumber=600100,unitNumber=1]]
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3143) - 3 collections initialized
DEBUG [main] (SessionImpl.java:3316) - collection initialized

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:58 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I would really recommend you spend some time with your debugger.

If you can create a really dead simple test case that will run on HSQLDB with NO EFFORT by me. (ie. no data export scripts to worry about, no missing resources, etc) then i will try to find the time to take a brief look. But please spend some time on this while I am asleep, I really dont have time for this kind of thing with a release in 1 week.

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