I am using Hibernate 3.0.5 with MySQL and I have found something very strange in a query I am using. I am also using Spring Framework 1.2 to manage the Hibernate sessions.
I have 3 tables: (Patch, Build, Bug). A Patch contains Builds, a Build contains bugs and bugs have a value for the build the bug was found in and the build the bug was fixed in (the build fixed in might be null).
I have an HQL query that is supposed to retrieve all bugs for a particular patch (so any bugs that were found or fixed in any builds in a specified patch).
Here is the query:
"from Bug bug where (bug.buildFixedIn.patch.patchId = :patchId) OR (bug.buildFoundIn.patch.patchId = :patchId)"
Here is the generated SQL Hibernate makes:
Hibernate: select bug0_.bugId as bugId, bug0_.buildFixedIn as buildFix2_9_, bug0_.buildFoundIn as buildFou3_9_, bug0_.dateAdded as dateAdded9_, bug0_.dateFixed as dateFixed9_, bug0_.dateUpdated as dateUpda6_9_, bug0_.description as descript7_9_, bug0_.title as title9_, bug0_.userId as userId9_, bug0_.impact as impact9_, bug0_.resolution as resolution9_, bug0_.status as status9_, bug0_.assignedUserId as assigne13_9_, bug0_.patchId as patchId9_ from BUG bug0_, BUILD build1_, BUILD build2_ where bug0_.buildFoundIn=build2_.buildId and bug0_.buildFixedIn=build1_.buildId and (build1_.patchId=? or build2_.patchId=?)
The generated SQL has a WHERE clause that uses an AND where it should use an OR, that is what I can't figure out. This generated query is getting all bugs that are found and fixed in patch X, not all bugs that are found or fixed in patch X.
I can't figure out why this is happening. BTW, I tried playing with the query and I found that if I make the query search for all bugs found in patch X or all bugs found in patch Y, it works properly. Just when I do the found in or fixed in does it not work.