Hibernate version:
3.0.5 and 3.1.2
I have the following code:
result = session.createCriteria(Services.class)
.setFetchMode("ports", FetchMode.JOIN)
.createAlias("ports", "p")
Basically I have a Services class that has an ID, name, description, and a set of ports. This query eagerly fetches the collection of port objects that is associated with a service. This would result in duplicate service rows being returned, so I apply the DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY result transformer. I want the results to be ordered by service name first, and the ports for each service to also be ordered. I think my query above should achieve this. The problem is, the resulting port order still appears to be random. Is this because the DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer uses a HashSet to remove the dups?
Oh yeah, the name property of Services is a String and the portNumber property of Ports is an Integer. So there shouldn't be any problem with equals/hashcode/compare.
Let me know if I'm out to lunch on this one.