Hibernate version: 3.1.2 vs 3.0.5
Hi All,
Still using Hibernate 3.0.5 and I am using DefaultPostUpdateEventListener to identify changes in objects updated/merged and create Audit objects.
I used to override:public void onPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent arg0)..
I am trying to update to Hibernate 3.1.2 and have noticed that the DefaultPostUpdateEventListener is now in the Attic. That is not an issue but, even after reading the latest doc and browsing the forum, I cannot figure out how to achieve this now...
Could someone give me a few pointers? Is there a replacement class? Which listener should I be using to receive some Events after commit?
using the new events, how can I detect field-by-field changes?
and finally, how can I add new objects to the current session?
no ejb3 please.
Many thanks!