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 Post subject: Question on use of lazy initialization with One to Many
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:40 pm 
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I'm running a JUnit test case that is attemping to call a query using HQL. The query successfully returns a PERSON record but fails to return the assoicated ADDRESS record. I'm using lazy intialization but the associated collection does not appear to be intialized.

Hibernate version:

Mapping documents:

-------------------------------- Person --------------------------------

<class name="com.everware.component.unittest.person.Person" table="Person">
<id column="InstanceID" name="instanceID" type="integer" unsaved-value="null">
<generator class="native" />
<property column="ID_FORMAT_CODE" insert="true" name="idFormatCode" not-null="false" type="string" unique="false" update="true" />
<set cascade="none" inverse="true" name="Addresss">
<key column="ADDRESSID" />
<one-to-many class="com.everware.component.unittest.person.Address" />

---------------------------------- Address----------------------------------

<class name="com.everware.component.unittest.person.Address" table="Address">
<id column="ADDRESSID" name="addressID" type="integer" unsaved-value="null">
<generator class="native" />
<property column="address1" insert="true" name="address1" not-null="false" type="string" unique="false" update="true" />
<many-to-one cascade="none" class="com.everware.component.unittest.person.Person" name="Person" lazy="proxy"> also tried lazy="true"
<column name="InstanceID" />

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():

Session s = persondao.getSession();
String[] type = {"firstName","surname"};
Object[] obj = {"john", "red" };
List l = persondao.searchByFullName(s,obj,type); executes the query logged in the debug section below
int sizeList = l.size();
assertEquals(sizeList,new Integer(1).intValue()); This works
for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++) {
Person person = (Person) l.get(i);
assertEquals(person.getSurname(),"red"); this works
Set set = person.getAddresss();
assertTrue(Hibernate.isInitialized(set)); this failes
Iterator iterator = set.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Address address = (Address) iterator.next();

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:

The only exception occurs is an junit assertion failure that the "set" is not intialized

failure message="null" type="org.apache.cactus.internal.client.AssertionFailedErrorWrapper">junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.

If I remove this and simply do a


No exceptions occur.. I just get a 0 size.

Name and version of the database you are using:
Oracle 9.0.1

The generated SQL (show_sql=true):

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:

15:14:37,036 DEBUG SQL:346 -
select person0_.InstanceID as InstanceID0_,
person0_.ID_FORMAT_CODE as ID2_0_,
person0_.OBSOLETE_IND as OBSOLETE4_0_,
person0_.NICKNAME as NICKNAME0_,
person0_.INCOME_AMT as INCOME8_0_, person0_.LANGUAGE_PREF_CODE as LANGUAGE9_0_,
person0_.SURNAMEas SURNAME0_,
person0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST11_0_,
person0_.DATE_OF_BIRTH as DATE12_0_,
person0_.salutation as salutation0_,
person0_.ID_VALUE as ID14_0_,
person0_.MARITAL_STATUS_CODE as MARITAL15_0_, person0_.LAST_UPDATED_TS as LAST16_0_,
person0_.DATE_OF_DEATH as DATE17_0_,
person0_.GENDER_CODE as GENDER18_0_,
person0_.CREATED_TS as CREATED19_0_,
person0_.LAST_UPDATED_USERID as LAST21_0_, person0_.NAME_SUFFIX_CODE as NAME22_0_,
person0_.ID_Type_Code as ID23_0_,
person0_.INCOME_FREQ_CODE as INCOME24_0_,
person0_.MIDDLE_NAME as MIDDLE25_0_,
person0_.socialSecurityNum as socialS26_0_
from Person person0_
where person0_.FIRST_NAME=? and person0_.SURNAME=?

after this statement the deletes kick off from the "tearDown()" method so it appears that a "SELECT" for the "Address" association never happens

 Post subject: Resolved
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:13 pm 
I resove this by using Hibernate.initialize(Address).

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