I have a column of the type 'long varchar' in a table that is mapped as 'text' in the hbm.xml file.
This table represents a superclass in the object model. This superclass has two subclasses.
When I run a polymorphic query in the superclass,
List cursos = session.createCriteria(Curso.class)
the following error occurs:
GenericJDBCException (error message: "could not execute query").
The error cause (obtained in debug) is:
"Request to retrieve BLOB column which had already been accessed. BLOB columns may only be accessed once."
The query generated by Hibernate works fine in the Ingres SQL console, so I think that Hibernate is trying to read twice the same long varchar column (which is mapped as CLOB in Hibernate by default), which is'nt possible in Ingres result sets.
Somebody can help to solve this problem?
The same code runned perfectly in Postgre, but I have to change to the Ingres database. :(
Thans in advance.