I had the folowing problem during a quering in Ingres 3.0.2:
"Request to retrieve BLOB column which had already been accessed. BLOB columns may only be accessed once."
But I dont have any BLOB field in my table!!!
This is the query constructed by Hibernate:
select this_.curId as curId0_, this_.curNome as curNome12_0_, this_.curDescricao as curDescr3_12_0_, this_.curObjetivo as curObjet4_12_0_, this_.curCargaHoraria as curCarga5_12_0_, this_.curPeriodicidade as curPerio6_12_0_, this_.curDataAprovacaoCapes as curDataA7_12_0_, this_.curDataAprovacaoConsUni as curDataA8_12_0_, this_.curDuracaoMaxima as curDurac9_12_0_, this_.curDuracaoMinima as curDura10_12_0_, this_.curTempoCarteirinha as curTemp11_12_0_, this_.prgId as prgId12_0_, case when this_1_.curId is not null then 1 when this_2_.curId is not null then 2 when this_.curId is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_ from Curso this_ left outer join Doutorado this_1_ on this_.curId=this_1_.curId left outer join Mestrado this_2_ on this_.curId=this_2_.curId order by this_.curNome asc
When I run the query in the SQL console in Ingres, it`s working fine.
This is the SQL and mapping file:
/* Table: Curso */
create table Curso (
curId Integer not null,
prgId Integer not null,
curNome Varchar(150) not null,
curDescricao Long Varchar with null,
curObjetivo Long Varchar with null,
curCargaHoraria Smallint not null,
curPeriodicidade Smallint not null,
curDataAprovacaoCapes Date with null,
curDataAprovacaoConsUni Date with null,
curDuracaoMinima Smallint not null,
curDuracaoMaxima Smallint not null,
curTempoCarteirinha Smallint not null,
curUltimoRA Integer with null,
constraint CPK_CURSO primary key (curId)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping
PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="org.intellegentia.propgweb.business.general">
<class name="Curso" table="Curso" lazy="true">
<!-- Identificador -->
<id name="id" column="curId">
<generator class="increment"/>
<!-- Propriedades da Classe Curso -->
<property name="nome" column="curNome"/>
<property name="descricao" column="curDescricao" type="text"/>
<property name="objetivo" column="curObjetivo" type="text"/>
<property name="cargaHoraria" column="curCargaHoraria"/>
<property name="periodicidade" column="curPeriodicidade"/>
<property name="dataAprovacaoCapes" column="curDataAprovacaoCapes" type="date"/>
<property name="dataAprovacaoConsUni" column="curDataAprovacaoConsUni" type="date"/>
<property name="duracaoMaxima" column="curDuracaoMaxima"/>
<property name="duracaoMinima" column="curDuracaoMinima"/>
<property name="tempoCarteirinha" column="curTempoCarteirinha"/>
<many-to-one name="programa" column="prgId" class="Programa"/>
<set name="areasUFSCar" table="curso_areaufscar">
<key column="curId"/>
<composite-element class="CursoAreaUFSCar">
<parent name="curso"/>
<many-to-one name="areaUFSCar" class="AreaUFSCar" column="aruId"/>
<property name="dataDeAssociacao" column="dataDeAssociacao"/>
The table Mestrado and Doutorado are just tables with the curId as atritute, so I don't put they here (Curso is the superclass and Mestrado and Doutorado are the subclasses).
Any tip to resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance.