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 Post subject: question about disjunction between 2 associated objects
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:46 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:18 pm
Posts: 3
I am using Hiberate 2.1.8 and criteria api to write a search screen.
I think Criteria API is good in this scenario by avoiding a lot of dynamic hql concatenation. But now I tried to do something like:

Object A contains Object B (you can get B by A.B)
A has an attribute name
B has an attribute title
A and B are associated with A.id = B.id

One of the search criteria is

A.name = 'input search string'
or A.B.title = 'input search string'

I cannot find a way to use criteria query(conjunction or disjunction) since A and B are not in the same level. I saw several postings on similar subject before but haven't see a clear answer for Hibernate 2. My question is this at all possible in Hibernate 2? If so, how?

Thank you in advance!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:18 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:08 pm
Posts: 2008
Here's a verbose solution. You can do it with fewer Criteria objects, but this self-documents:
Criteria crit1 = session.createCriteria(A.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", string);
Criteria crit2 = session.createCriteria(A.class);
crit2.createCriteria("B").add("title", string);
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(A.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.or(crit1, crit2));

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:18 pm
Posts: 3
Thanks a lot Tenwit for the quick reply.
I think Restrictions and Criterion interface are only available in Hibernate 3. I have to use Hibernate 2 for this project.

BTW, I have just figured out a way to solve my problem. I can create an alias for the internal object B(name it myB). And in the outer criteria I can reference B.title via myB.title and this can be in the same Disjunction as A.name which is what I need.

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