pksiv wrote:
litterat wrote:
pksiv wrote:
Can you show the java code you're using to execute your SQL queries.
Have you looked at Section 16.3 in the docs ?
It seems to indicate that you need to specify a <return-alias> for each entity you wish to return.
If that doesn't help, can you show your SQL as well.
Thanks for the quick response
But I looked at section 16.3 and only found it to be about ordering the results (I might looking at a different version my version is 3.0.5)
I also looked for the return-alias and found no results
My sql is fine as I execute it agianst the database it runs and there is no problem I also get the objects from Hibernate.
What is seems to happen that the objects which being referenced are not initialized
but in any case here is the SQL
/* Formatted on 2006/02/09 07:43 (Formatter Plus v4.8.0) */
FROM (SELECT mainentity.t1recid AS t1_0_,
mainentity.t1id_file_id AS t2_16_0_,
mainentity.t1sid_sending_site_id AS t3_16_0_,
mainentity.t1ssid_sending_system_id AS t4_16_0_,
mainentity.t1ldte_last_update_date AS t5_16_0_,
mainentity.t1comp_company AS t6_16_0_,
mainentity.t1tbu_teva_business_unit AS t7_16_0_,
mainentity.t1rtyp_record_type AS t8_16_0_,
mainentity.t1bilc_bill_to_customer AS t9_16_0_,
mainentity.t1cust_ship_to_customer AS t10_16_0_,
mainentity.t1shpn_ship_to_number AS t11_16_0_,
mainentity.t1cusn_customer_to_name AS t12_16_0_,
mainentity.t1addr_customer_to_address AS t13_16_0_,
mainentity.t1city_ship_to_city AS t14_16_0_,
mainentity.t1phon_ship_to_phone AS t15_16_0_,
mainentity.t1cont_contact_person AS t16_16_0_,
mainentity.t1accn_customer_accounting_num AS t17_16_0_,
mainentity.t1sscd_sales_person_code AS t18_16_0_,
mainentity.t1ssnm_sales_person_name AS t19_16_0_,
mainentity.t1fax_fax_number AS t20_16_0_,
mainentity.t1emal_email_address AS t21_16_0_,
mainentity.t1stat_customer_status_code AS t22_16_0_,
mainentity.t1nam2_name2 AS t23_16_0_,
mainentity.t1adr2_address2 AS t24_16_0_,
mainentity.t1refa_reference_field_a AS t25_16_0_,
mainentity.t1ref1_reference_field_1 AS t26_16_0_,
mainentity.change_code AS change27_16_0_,
mainentity.change_date AS change28_16_0_,
mainentity.origin_file AS origin29_16_0_,
mainentity.t1exbilid AS t30_16_0_,
mainentity.t1exisactive AS t31_16_0_,
mainentity.t1globcustod AS t32_16_0_,
mainentity.t1coun_ship_to_country_code AS t33_16_0_
FROM (SELECT f_customers_active.*
FROM customers_active f_customers_active,
(SELECT countries_list.*
FROM app_filters_groups filtergroups,
app_filters filter,
app_filter_entity filter_entity,
app_groups GROUPS,
app_groups_users usergroups,
app_users users,
app_filter_entity_data filter_entity_data,
WHERE ( (filter.ID = filter_entity.filter_id)
AND (filter.ID = filtergroups.filter_id)
AND (GROUPS.ID = filtergroups.GROUP_ID)
AND (GROUPS.ID = usergroups.GROUP_ID)
AND (users.ID = usergroups.user_id)
AND (users.ID = 2132)
AND (filter_entity.entity_id = 2332)
AND (filter_entity.ID =
AND (filter_entity_data.data_id_string =
)) f_countries_list
WHERE (f_countries_list.code =
SELECT f_customers_active.*
FROM customers_active f_customers_active,
countries_list f_countries_list,
area_manager_country f_area_manager_country,
(SELECT area_manager.*
FROM app_filters_groups filtergroups,
app_filters filter,
app_filter_entity filter_entity,
app_groups GROUPS,
app_groups_users usergroups,
app_users users,
app_filter_entity_data filter_entity_data,
WHERE ( (filter.ID = filter_entity.filter_id)
AND (filter.ID = filtergroups.filter_id)
AND (GROUPS.ID = filtergroups.GROUP_ID)
AND (GROUPS.ID = usergroups.GROUP_ID)
AND (users.ID = usergroups.user_id)
AND (users.ID = 2132)
AND (filter_entity.entity_id = 2330)
AND (filter_entity.ID =
AND (filter_entity_data.data_id_string =
)) f_area_manager
WHERE (f_countries_list.code =
AND (f_area_manager_country.country_code =
AND (f_area_manager.areamanid =
)) mainentity,
sending_site f_site,
global_customer_type f_globalcustomertype
WHERE (f_globalcustomertype.custtypeid =
AND (f_site.sendingsiteid = mainentity.t1sid_sending_site_id))