Well, actually I assumed that it would have a where attribute, but then my (old) xdoclet2 complained, so I looked at the reference doc:
http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/re ... s-ofvalues
and did not see it there. But I have to confess that I didn't go all the way to the DTD. The where attribute is there.
Thanks for responding, sorry for using up your time without doing all my research.
rajasaur wrote:
I see your point. But the DTD does have "where" as one of the attributes on the many-to-many element. Wouldnt that work as well? Your initial query said you cant use where. Why do you say so ?
From the DTD,
<!ELEMENT many-to-many (meta*,(column|formula)*,filter*)>
<!ATTLIST many-to-many class CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST many-to-many where CDATA #IMPLIED>