Hi I just integrated the new lucene support through annotations and I would like to know how could I add to the index all those object that are already in the database and thus have never been updated or saved since I integrated the luceneIndex.
I think that there should be some sort of property such as recreateIndex=true , so that everytime the cfg gets regenerated the index gets cleaned and regenerated as well.
I have tried extending the actual LuceneEventListener to reuse some of it add and remove methods but these are currently declared as private.
I would like to know what is the best practice or common approach to regenerate the whole index at startup.
I was looking at the code at
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/h ... iew=markup and couldn't find a clean way to dump my database to the index for the first time without having to load all objects, loop them and run some fake updates to force the LuceneEventListener to fire.
Any help is appreciated.
best regards.