Hibernate version: 3.1.0
Name and version of the database you are using: DB2 8.2
Getting a SQLException: "Virtual storage or database resource is not available" error while trying to perform batch inserts by reading one record at a time from a MySQL database into a DB2 V8.2 database. Pretty sure I have not used flush()/close() methods properly or using CMT transaction management propertly.
Have 2 CMT (Container Beans, Stateless) defined by the default transaction level to "Required" with one loading a configuration Hibernate file moduled against MySQL and the other EJB against DB2.
Built a third CMT EJB as a data migration controller brokering records one at a time between the MySQL Hibernate EJB and the DB2 EJB. This controller as ejb-ref remote references to the other session beans and the code looks about like:
* @ejbgen:session ...
* transaction-type="Container" type="Stateless"
* ejb-name = "MatrixDataTransport"
* @ejbgen:jndi-name
* remote = "ejb.MatrixDataTransportRemoteHome"
* @ejbgen:file-generation ...
* @ejbgen:ejb-ref ...
* home="ReleaseManagerHome"
* name="ejb/MyReleaseManager"
* jndi-name="ejb.ReleaseManagerRemoteHome"
* @ejbgen:ejb-ref
* home="MatrixMySQLManagerHome"
* name="ejb/MyMatrixMySQLManager"
* jndi-name="ejb.MatrixMySQLManagerRemoteHome"
public class MatrixDataTransportBean
extends GenericSessionBean
implements SessionBean
private ReleaseManager getReleaseManager ()
javax.naming.Context ic = new InitialContext();
ReleaseManagerHome rManagerHome = (ReleaseManagerHome)
return rManagerHome.create();
} catch ....
(same creation code for MyMatrixMySQLManager)
* @ejbgen:remote-method
public int transferRelease(String release) {
ReleaseManager releaseManager = getReleaseManager();
MatrixMySQLManager mmManager = getMatrixMySQLManager();
// queries via Hibernate all release
//in MySQL with a name like :release
Iterator releaseIterator =
// loop through releases
// 1) create a new Release in DB2
// 2) update newly created Release in DB2
// with extra info
// 3) if 20 statements then call a remote
// EJB method that issues a flush()/clear()
// [see batchCommit() method below]
} catch ...
Inside the MyMatrixMySQLManager/ReleaseManager beans all of the methods works about the same way:
public class ReleaseManagerBean
extends GenericSessionBean
implements SessionBean
* @ejbgen:remote-method
public Release createRelease(String name)
Session aSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Release aRelease = new Release();
* @ejbgen:remote-method
public void batchCommit ()
Session aSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
And my Hibernate config file for DB2 looks like:
<property name="connection.datasource">matrixDS</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory</property>
<property name="transaction.manager_lookup_class">org.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup</property>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.release_mode">auto</property>
<property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">20</property>
Assuming the virtual storage problem is a result of the flush/clear method calls not taking effect?