ISSUE: This application has a bi-directional association mapped between two objects: Alerts & AlertRecipients. An Alert includes a one-to-many set of AlertRecipients, and an AlertRecipient has a many-to-one Alert field. The issue that I am having is that by querying for Alerts using the list() method of a Criteria object,
all of the AlertRecipients are being loaded -- even though the Alert mapping has lazy=true. This is a problem because there can be 50,000 recipients per alert and the query is taking longer than a minute to return. Recipients are not even needed as part of the results. Any help you can give will be
very greatly appreciated.
Hibernate version: 2.0
Mapping documents:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 2.0//EN"
<property name="dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="transaction.factory_class">
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">
<property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">20</property>
<property name="hibernate.max_fetch_depth">2</property>
<property name="">update</property>
<property name="connection.datasource">java:comp/env/jdbc/nssir</property>
<property name="hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer">false</property>
<mapping resource="com/concordefs/starstation/alerts/Alert.hbm.xml"/>
<mapping resource="com/concordefs/starstation/alerts/AlertRecipient.hbm.xml"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<class name="com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert" table="ir_alerts">
<id name="id" column="alert_id" type="long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="title" column="alert_title"/>
<property name="message" column="alert_message" type="string" not-null="false"/>
<property name="description" column="alert_description"/>
<property name="status" column="alert_status"/>
<property name="aeMsgSent" column="alert_ae_msg_sent"/>
<property name="startDate" column="alert_datetime_start"/>
<property name="expirationDate" column="alert_datetime_expire"/>
<property name="followupRequired" column="alert_followup_required"/>
<property name="followupCompletedDate" column="alert_followup_completed_datetime"/>
<property name="mailingListFilename" column="alert_mailinglist_filename"/>
<property name="mailingListCriteria" column="alert_mailinglist_criteria"/>
<property name="submittedDate" column="alert_submitted_date"/>
<property name="submittedUser" column="alert_submitted_user"/>
<property name="saveAfterExpiration" column="alert_save_after_expire"/>
<property name="lastModifiedUser" column="alert_lastmodified_user"/>
<set name="recipients" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="true">
<key column="alert_id"/>
<one-to-many class="com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<class name="com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient" table="ir_alert_users">
<id name="id" column="alert_user_id" type="long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="userID" column="user_id" type="string"/>
<property name="userStatus" column="alert_user_status" type="string"/>
<property name="communicationInfo" column="alert_user_communication" type="string"/>
<property name="communicationType" column="alert_user_comm_type" type="string"/>
<many-to-one name="alert" class="com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert" column="alert_id" />
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():Not explicitly opening & closing sessions; using HibernateTemplate instead.
Here's the method that creates the query:Code:
* @param formCriteria The AlertSearchCriteria to use to query the database.
* @return A collection of all Alerts contained in the database that match the criteria.
public List getAlertsByCriteria(AlertSearchCriteria formCriteria) throws Exception {
List alerts = null;
try {
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): getting criteria object (for Alert.class) from HibernateTemplate <<");
Criteria searchCriteria = (Criteria) getHibernateTemplate().createCriteria(getSession(),com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.class);
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): got criteria object from HibernateTemplate; now setting criteria... <<");
/** User ID **/
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): USERID = ALL <<");
else {
searchCriteria = searchCriteria.createAlias("recipients","recipient");
searchCriteria.add(Expression.eq("recipient.userID", formCriteria.getUserID()));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): USERID = " + formCriteria.getUserID() + " <<");
/** Include Snoozed Alerts **/
if(formCriteria.isIncludeSnoozed()) {
searchCriteria.add(Expression.not(Expression.eq("recipient.userStatus", "K"))); //show New (N) and Snoozed (Z); not Acknowledged (K).
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): INCLUDING SNOOZED ALERTS <<");
else {
searchCriteria.add(Expression.eq("recipient.userStatus", "N")); //show only New (N).
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): NOT INCLUDING SNOOZED ALERTS <<");
/** Alert Status **/
if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_CANCELLED)) {
// returns cancelled alerts: status = "C" AND marked to be saved after expiration.
Expression.eq("status", "C"), Expression.eq("saveAfterExpiration", new Integer(1))));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = CANCELLED <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_ACTIVE)) {
// returns active alerts: status = "A" AND start date/time <= now AND expiration date/time > now.
Expression.eq("status", "A"), Expression.and(
Expression.le("startDate", new Date()),"expirationDate", new Date()))));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = ACTIVE <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_EXPIRED)) {
// returns expired alerts: status = "E" AND marked to be saved after expiration.
Expression.and(Expression.eq("status", "A"), Expression.le("expirationDate", new Date())),
Expression.and(Expression.eq("status", "E"), Expression.eq("saveAfterExpiration", new Integer(1)))));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = EXPIRED <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_PENDING)) {
// returns future/pending alerts: status = "A" AND start date/time > now.
Expression.eq("status", "A"),"startDate", new Date())));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = PENDING <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_SAVED)) {
// returns saved alerts: status = "S".
searchCriteria.add(Expression.eq("status", "S"));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = SAVED <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_CURRENT_EXPIRED)) {
// returns active & expired alerts: (status = "A" AND start date/time <= now AND expiration date/time > now) OR (status = "E" AND marked to be saved after expiration).
Expression.and(Expression.eq("status", "A"), Expression.and(
Expression.le("startDate", new Date()),"expirationDate", new Date()))), Expression.and(
Expression.eq("status", "E"), Expression.eq("saveAfterExpiration", new Integer(1)))));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = CURRENT/EXPIRED <<");
else if(formCriteria.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.STATUS_NEWLY_EXPIRED)) {
// returns alerts which expired that day: (status = "A" AND expiration date/time <= now)
// this method will probably only be called by AlertFinalizer.
Expression.eq("status", "A"), Expression.le("expirationDate", new Date())));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = NEWLY EXPIRED <<");
else { //STATUS_ANY -- add no additional criteria.
// returns all alerts (excludes expired alerts who were not marked to be saved after expiration).
Expression.eq("status", "E"), Expression.eq("saveAfterExpiration", new Integer(0)))));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = ANY <<");
/** Alert ID **/
if(!formCriteria.getAlertID().equals("")) {
searchCriteria.add(Expression.eq("id", Long.valueOf(formCriteria.getAlertID())));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ALERT ID = " + formCriteria.getAlertID() + " <<");
/** Alert Title **/
if(!formCriteria.getTitle().equals("")) {
searchCriteria.add(Expression.ilike("title", formCriteria.getTitle().trim(),MatchMode.START));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): TITLE BEGINS WITH = " + formCriteria.getTitle() + " <<");
else { // AlertSearchCriteria.TITLE_CONTAINS
searchCriteria.add(Expression.ilike("title", formCriteria.getTitle().trim(),MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): TITLE CONTAINS = " + formCriteria.getTitle() + " <<");
/** Alert Start Date (logging done in addDateCriteria) **/
if(formCriteria.getStartDate() != null) addDateCriteria(searchCriteria, "startDate", formCriteria.getStartDate(), formCriteria.getStartDateOperator());
/** Alert Expiration Date (logging done in addDateCriteria) **/
if(formCriteria.getExpirationDate() != null) addDateCriteria(searchCriteria, "expirationDate", formCriteria.getExpirationDate(), formCriteria.getExpirationDateOperator());
/** Include only those marked to be saved after expiration **/
searchCriteria.add(Expression.eq("saveAfterExpiration", "1"));
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): INCLUDE ONLY ALERTS TO BE SAVED AFTER EXPIRATION <<");
/** sort by **/
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY description; DESCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY description; ASCENDING <<");
else if(formCriteria.getSortBy().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.SORTBY_STARTDATE)){
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY startDate; DESCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY startDate; ASCENDING <<");
else if(formCriteria.getSortBy().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.SORTBY_STOPDATE)){
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY expirationDate; DESCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY expirationDate; ASCENDING <<");
else if(formCriteria.getSortBy().equalsIgnoreCase(AlertSearchCriteria.SORTBY_TITLE)){
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY title; DESCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY title; ASCENDING <<");
else{ //sort by alertId
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY id; DESCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY id; ASCENDING <<");
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): attempting to perform DB query <<");
long startTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
alerts = searchCriteria.list();
long stopTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ALERTS SUCCESSFULLY QUERIED - " + alerts.size() + " records returned in " + (stopTimer-startTimer) + " ms <<");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(" ^^^ AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): EXCEPTION CAUGHT - " + e.toString() + " ^^^", e);
throw e;
log.debug(" >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): returning new List of alerts <<");
return new ArrayList(alerts);
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: No exception.Name and version of the database you are using: mySQL 4.1.9The generated SQL (show_sql=true):Code:
select this.alert_id as alert_id0_, this.alert_title as alert_ti2_0_, this.alert_message as alert_me3_0_, this.alert_description as alert_de4_0_, this.alert_status as alert_st5_0_, this.alert_ae_msg_sent as alert_ae6_0_, this.alert_datetime_start as alert_da7_0_, this.alert_datetime_expire as alert_da8_0_, this.alert_followup_required as alert_fo9_0_, this.alert_followup_completed_datetime as alert_f10_0_, this.alert_mailinglist_filename as alert_m11_0_, this.alert_mailinglist_criteria as alert_m12_0_, this.alert_submitted_date as alert_s13_0_, this.alert_submitted_user as alert_s14_0_, this.alert_save_after_expire as alert_s15_0_, this.alert_lastmodified_user as alert_l16_0_ from ir_alerts this where not ((this.alert_status=? and this.alert_save_after_expire=?)) order by this.alert_id asc
select recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id__, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1___, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1_0_, recipients0_.user_id as user_id0_, recipients0_.alert_user_status as alert_us3_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_communication as alert_us4_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_comm_type as alert_us5_0_, recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id0_ from ir_alert_users recipients0_ where recipients0_.alert_id=?
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): getting criteria object (for Alert.class) from HibernateTemplate <<
DEBUG - Retrieved value [org.springframework.orm.hibernate.SessionHolder@18b3e62] for key [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl@1c958af] bound to thread [http8072-Processor25]
DEBUG - Retrieved value [org.springframework.orm.hibernate.SessionHolder@18b3e62] for key [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl@1c958af] bound to thread [http8072-Processor25]
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): got criteria object from HibernateTemplate; now setting criteria... <<
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): USERID = ALL <<
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): STATUS = ANY <<
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): ORDER BY id; ASCENDING <<
DEBUG - >> AlertDAOImpl.getAlertsByCriteria(): attempting to perform DB query <<
DEBUG - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG - select this.alert_id as alert_id0_, this.alert_title as alert_ti2_0_, this.alert_message as alert_me3_0_, this.alert_description as alert_de4_0_, this.alert_status as alert_st5_0_, this.alert_ae_msg_sent as alert_ae6_0_, this.alert_datetime_start as alert_da7_0_, this.alert_datetime_expire as alert_da8_0_, this.alert_followup_required as alert_fo9_0_, this.alert_followup_completed_datetime as alert_f10_0_, this.alert_mailinglist_filename as alert_m11_0_, this.alert_mailinglist_criteria as alert_m12_0_, this.alert_submitted_date as alert_s13_0_, this.alert_submitted_user as alert_s14_0_, this.alert_save_after_expire as alert_s15_0_, this.alert_lastmodified_user as alert_l16_0_ from ir_alerts this where not ((this.alert_status=? and this.alert_save_after_expire=?)) order by this.alert_id asc
DEBUG - preparing statement
DEBUG - binding 'E' to parameter: 1
DEBUG - binding '0' to parameter: 2
DEBUG - processing result set
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - result row: 1
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 1
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1
DEBUG - returning 'Alert Title - Cancelled' as column: alert_ti2_0_
DEBUG - returning 'Generic Alert Message' as column: alert_me3_0_
DEBUG - returning 'This is a test cancelled alert.' as column: alert_de4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'C' as column: alert_st5_0_
DEBUG - returning '0' as column: alert_ae6_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-03-24 00:00:00' as column: alert_da7_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-04-02 00:00:00' as column: alert_da8_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_fo9_0_
DEBUG - returning null as column: alert_f10_0_
DEBUG - returning 'mailinglist.txt' as column: alert_m11_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_m12_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-03-25 00:00:00' as column: alert_s13_0_
DEBUG - returning 'test.user' as column: alert_s14_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_s15_0_
DEBUG - returning 'test.user' as column: alert_l16_0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - result row: 2
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 2
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#2
DEBUG - returning 'Title of Current Alert' as column: alert_ti2_0_
DEBUG - returning 'Generic Alert Message' as column: alert_me3_0_
DEBUG - returning 'This is a test current alert.' as column: alert_de4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'C' as column: alert_st5_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_ae6_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-03-24 00:00:00' as column: alert_da7_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-04-11 11:58:56' as column: alert_da8_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_fo9_0_
DEBUG - returning null as column: alert_f10_0_
DEBUG - returning 'mailinglist.txt' as column: alert_m11_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_m12_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-03-17 00:00:00' as column: alert_s13_0_
DEBUG - returning 'test.user' as column: alert_s14_0_
DEBUG - returning '0' as column: alert_s15_0_
DEBUG - returning 'test.user' as column: alert_l16_0_
DEBUG - returning '3' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - result row: 70
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 70
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#70
DEBUG - returning 'KamalTest06' as column: alert_ti2_0_
DEBUG - returning 'KamalTest06' as column: alert_me3_0_
DEBUG - returning 'KamalTest06' as column: alert_de4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'C' as column: alert_st5_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_ae6_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-04-12 09:30:00' as column: alert_da7_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-04-12 11:13:39' as column: alert_da8_0_
DEBUG - returning '0' as column: alert_fo9_0_
DEBUG - returning null as column: alert_f10_0_
DEBUG - returning 'Kamal_Save_Alert.txt' as column: alert_m11_0_
DEBUG - returning '' as column: alert_m12_0_
DEBUG - returning '2005-04-12 11:12:00' as column: alert_s13_0_
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.KAMAL' as column: alert_s14_0_
DEBUG - returning '0' as column: alert_s15_0_
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.KAMAL' as column: alert_l16_0_
DEBUG - done processing result set (64 rows)
DEBUG - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG - closing statement
DEBUG - total objects hydrated: 64
DEBUG - resolving associations for [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1]
DEBUG - creating collection wrapper:[com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#1]
DEBUG - initializing collection [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#1]
DEBUG - checking second-level cache
DEBUG - collection not cached
DEBUG - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG - select recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id__, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1___, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1_0_, recipients0_.user_id as user_id0_, recipients0_.alert_user_status as alert_us3_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_communication as alert_us4_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_comm_type as alert_us5_0_, recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id0_ from ir_alert_users recipients0_ where recipients0_.alert_id=?
DEBUG - preparing statement
DEBUG - binding '1' to parameter: 1
DEBUG - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#1]
DEBUG - uninitialized collection: initializing
DEBUG - processing result set
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_us1_0_
DEBUG - result row: 1
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 1
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.CECI3' as column: user_id0_
DEBUG - returning 'N' as column: alert_us3_0_
DEBUG - returning
'' as column: alert_us4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'E' as column: alert_us5_0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_id__
DEBUG - found row of collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#1]
DEBUG - reading row
DEBUG - returning '1' as column: alert_us1___
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1]
DEBUG - done processing result set (1 rows)
DEBUG - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG - closing statement
DEBUG - total objects hydrated: 1
DEBUG - resolving associations for [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1]
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1]
DEBUG - done materializing entity [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#1]
DEBUG - 1 collections were found in result set
DEBUG - collection fully initialized: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#1]
DEBUG - 1 collections initialized
DEBUG - collection initialized
DEBUG - done materializing entity [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#1]
DEBUG - resolving associations for [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert#2]
DEBUG - creating collection wrapper:[com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - initializing collection [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - checking second-level cache
DEBUG - collection not cached
DEBUG - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
DEBUG - select recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id__, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1___, recipients0_.alert_user_id as alert_us1_0_, recipients0_.user_id as user_id0_, recipients0_.alert_user_status as alert_us3_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_communication as alert_us4_0_, recipients0_.alert_user_comm_type as alert_us5_0_, recipients0_.alert_id as alert_id0_ from ir_alert_users recipients0_ where recipients0_.alert_id=?
DEBUG - preparing statement
DEBUG - binding '2' to parameter: 1
DEBUG - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - uninitialized collection: initializing
DEBUG - processing result set
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_us1_0_
DEBUG - result row: 2
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 2
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#2
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.MAJORSC' as column: user_id0_
DEBUG - returning 'K' as column: alert_us3_0_
DEBUG - returning '302-791-8707' as column: alert_us4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'F' as column: alert_us5_0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id__
DEBUG - found row of collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - reading row
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_us1___
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#2]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#2]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#2]
DEBUG - returning '3' as column: alert_us1_0_
DEBUG - result row: 3
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 3
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#3
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.IRWIN' as column: user_id0_
DEBUG - returning 'N' as column: alert_us3_0_
DEBUG - returning
'' as column: alert_us4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'E' as column: alert_us5_0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id__
DEBUG - found row of collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - reading row
DEBUG - returning '3' as column: alert_us1___
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#3]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#3]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#3]
DEBUG - returning '4' as column: alert_us1_0_
DEBUG - result row: 4
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 4
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#4
DEBUG - returning 'TESTUSER' as column: user_id0_
DEBUG - returning 'K' as column: alert_us3_0_
DEBUG - returning
'' as column: alert_us4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'E' as column: alert_us5_0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id__
DEBUG - found row of collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - reading row
DEBUG - returning '4' as column: alert_us1___
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#4]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#4]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#4]
DEBUG - returning '5' as column: alert_us1_0_
DEBUG - result row: 5
DEBUG - Initializing object from ResultSet: 5
DEBUG - Hydrating entity: com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#5
DEBUG - returning 'EPSTEST1.KAMAL' as column: user_id0_
DEBUG - returning 'K' as column: alert_us3_0_
DEBUG - returning
'' as column: alert_us4_0_
DEBUG - returning 'E' as column: alert_us5_0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id0_
DEBUG - returning '2' as column: alert_id__
DEBUG - found row of collection: [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.Alert.recipients#2]
DEBUG - reading row
DEBUG - returning '5' as column: alert_us1___
DEBUG - loading [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#5]
DEBUG - attempting to resolve [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#5]
DEBUG - resolved object in session cache [com.concordefs.starstation.alerts.AlertRecipient#5]
DEBUG - returning '6' as column: alert_us1_0_