Hi friends,
I have use ehcache and set all the properties in hibernate.properties, but i do not get any extra ordinary improvement.
It hardly get difference of 100 to 150 microseconds.
so If i can get near about 50 % difference then it can be used.
so If any body have solution please tell me..
my hibernate.properties file's properties are set as below...
Property Value for this particular example
hibernate.query.substitutions true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N'
hibernate.query.factory_class org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory
hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
hibernate.connection.driver_class com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionPoolDataSource
hibernate.connection.username admin
hibernate.connection.password ******
hibernate.connection.url jdbc:sybase:Tds:sipl48:5000/Test
hibernate.connection.pool_size 1
hibernate.show_sql true
hibernate.use_sql_comments true
hibernate.generate_statistics true
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create
hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data true
hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary true
hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts true
hibernate.cache.region_prefix hibernate.test
hibernate.cache.use_query_cache true
hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries true
hibernate.cache.provider_class org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
so if any body can help or give any tips please do it....