Hello all.
How can I write a query to restrict a child based on its distant anscestor?
In my case, I have an object, you could call the grandfather or great grandfather. There are n levels of hierarchy between them.
I need a query that can find all children with a specific name that have a specific ancestor.
Here’s my structure;
ObjectA.name (our anscestor)
For an easier to explain example, pretend I was mapping every computer, and it’s filesystem into a database.
I would have a structure like:
Computer(Windows 2003 Server, Boston office, name=”foo”, etc)
Folder (C:)
I would want to write a query that found all files named “web.xml” in computers that has the name of “foo”. There are a variable number of folders between foo and any given web.xml.
I have a table representing computers. I have a join table linking root (drive) folders to computers. Each folder has a folder_ID (parent_ID), except for drive roots which have a folder_ID of null. Each file has a folder_id.
I only need the file objects. I’m not interested in the folders or computers.
I’d like to either accomplish this with one query or have hibernate retrieve a computer based on its name with one step and then filter the query to retrieve all files of a specific name with a second step.
Does anyone know how to write the query? What sections of the documentation would cover this situation?
Thanks in advance,