Hi all, I am using Hibernate 3.0.5 on tomcat5 and trapped by an error of "
org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) setter of com.tailorsys.crm.bean.AccountForm.setAddressesList" Please Help!!!
I have two classes AccountForm & Address. Each AccountForm can have corresponding Address up to 4.
The simple AccountForm & Address class are as following:
public final class AccountForm extends ValidatorForm implements Serializable {
private ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList();
public List getAddressesList() {
return addresses;
public void setAddressesList(List list) {
addresses = (ArrayList) list;
public Address getAddresses(int index) {
while (index >= addresses.size()) {
addresses.add(new Address());
return (Address) addresses.get(index);
public void setAddresses(int index, Address in) {
if (index >= addresses.size()) {
int i = addresses.size();
do {
addresses.add(new Address());
} while (index >= ++i);
addresses.set(index, in);
public final class Address implements Serializable {
private long address_id;
public long getAddress_id() {
return address_id;
public void setAddress_id(long address_id) {
this.address_id = address_id;
I am using AccountForm.hbm.xml as following:
<class name="com.tailorsys.crm.bean.AccountForm" table="account">
<id name="ac_id" type="long" unsaved-value="0" >
<column name="account_id" sql-type="bingint(20)" not-null="true"/>
<generator class="increment"/>
<set name="addressesList" table="accountaddress">
<key column="account_id"/>
<many-to-many column="address_id" class="com.tailorsys.crm.bean.Address"/>
<class name="com.tailorsys.crm.bean.Address" table="address">
<id name="address_id" type="long" unsaved-value="0" >
<column name="address_id" sql-type="bingint(20)" not-null="true"/>
<generator class="increment"/>
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