Hi everyone,
Last days I tried to make hibernate 4.3.1 work with my JPA project deployed in a tomcat. I used a persistence.xml as a configuration file where I specified my data source for Hibernate. The problem is that it seems to me that this version of Hibernate has an issue. It didn't get the data source loaded. (for more details, you can look at this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22175544/cannot-call-jndi-resource-in-persistence-xml-file). Finally I cnaged version to 4.2.8.Final, and everything worked as supposed to.
During my trials to solve this issue, I tried to extend HibernatePersistenceProvider class with my own class, and specify it in <provider> tag of my persistence.xml file. Anywat, when I tried this, I got a
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named X
Can anyone suggest me how I would be able to provide my own class as provider for Hibernate?