max wrote:
eh - the requirement of mappings in cfg.xml has changed waaay back - please check with later versions of hibernate before writing looong requests ;)
Ah ha.. thanks for that pointer I was using 3.0.5 with ... on-2.0.dtd not ... on-3.0.dtd. I must have upgraded all my files twice before and still an old one turns up.
A suggestion for consideration, a single warning emitted once if an inferior DTD spec is found to be used. Nothing alarming (as there is no problem), something to encourage investigation into the matter with a view to get the developer make a decision to upgrade or ignore.
"Found older DTD hibernate-configuration-2.0.dtd in use in file xyz.xml"
Serialization of SessionFactory we have tried to do a couple of times - but it always comes down to us waiting on classloading and impossibility of serialization of stuff without introducing extra synchronization stuff (which would mean slower performance at runtime and more complex code)
Can you point of off in the general direction of the previous attempts ? I'm not looking to change the production code path in any (big) way, the production version keep nice fast and optimized for usage (not SessionFactory building).
But I am interested in the possibility of an alternative implementation of the SessionFactory what would allow runtime state freeze/thaw.
I'm happy with a really slow construction speed of this new class on the basis that I will get a much bigger speed boost from the fact it does not need to do all the work at every deployment, this new class would only benifit the development process and optimized for SesisonFactory building over performance.
Obviously I dont really understand the issues you point out at this time, so would like to experiment starting with getting a better understanding those issues please.
Where do I look.