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 Post subject: load or get not working with composite PK
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:28 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:13 pm
Posts: 13
Hi all,

I´m using Hibernate 3 with an Firebird database.

My problem is that I have an table with an composite PK and the get or load method in hibernate session is not working, debugging i see that the sql query generated is wrong, its include the name of the pk field in the query.

Here is my class and the PK class, I ommited the irrelevant fields and relashionships :

@Entity (access = AccessType.PROPERTY)
@Table (name = "RESOURCE_GROUP")
public class Resource_GroupVO extends BaseVO {


public Resource_GroupKeyVO getPk() {
return pk;

..... }


public class Resource_GroupKeyVO extends BaseVO {


@Column (name = "id_resource", nullable = false)
public Integer getId_resource() {
return id_resource;

@Column (name = "id_group", nullable = false)
public Integer getId_group() {
return id_group;


Well, when i call the load or the get method in the hibernate session I get the following exception :

[2005-07-19 11:18:36,578] main org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultLoadEventListener INFO - Error performing load command
org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not load an entity: [br.com.venus.model.valueobjects.Resource_UserVO#component[id_resource,id_user]{id_user=1, id_resource=1}]

Bellow is the Hibernate SQL Output, look that the problem is that Hibernate is generating the query with PK before the column that is part of the key.
Ex.: resource_u0_.pk.id_resource as pk4_8_5_

Hibernate: select resource_u0_.id_resource as id1_5_, resource_u0_.id_user as id2_5_, resource_u0_.pk.id_resource as pk4_8_5_, resource_u0_.creation_timestamp as creation3_8_5_, resource_u0_.pk.id_user as pk5_8_5_, resourcevo1_.id_resource as id1_0_, resourcevo1_.id_resource_parent as id4_11_0_, resourcevo1_.id_resource_type as id2_11_0_, resourcevo1_.creation_timestamp as creation3_11_0_, resourcevo1_.last_change_timestamp as last5_11_0_, resourcevo1_.name_resource as name6_11_0_, resourcevo1_.text_key as text7_11_0_, resourcevo1_.action_jsf as action8_11_0_, resourcevo1_.icon as icon11_0_, resourcevo1_.label as label11_0_, resourcevo1_.split as split11_0_, resourcevo1_.show_order as show12_11_0_, resourcevo2_.id_resource as id1_1_, resourcevo2_.id_resource_parent as id4_11_1_, resourcevo2_.id_resource_type as id2_11_1_, resourcevo2_.creation_timestamp as creation3_11_1_, resourcevo2_.last_change_timestamp as last5_11_1_, resourcevo2_.name_resource as name6_11_1_, resourcevo2_.text_key as text7_11_1_, resourcevo2_.action_jsf as action8_11_1_, resourcevo2_.icon as icon11_1_, resourcevo2_.label as label11_1_, resourcevo2_.split as split11_1_, resourcevo2_.show_order as show12_11_1_, resource_t3_.id_resource_type as id1_2_, resource_t3_.description as descript2_12_2_, resource_t3_.creation_timestamp as creation3_12_2_, resource_t3_.last_change_timestamp as last4_12_2_, uservo4_.id_user as id1_3_, uservo4_.login as login13_3_, uservo4_.creation_timestamp as creation3_13_3_, uservo4_.last_change_timestamp as last4_13_3_, uservo4_.email as email13_3_, uservo4_.passwd as passwd13_3_, groups5_.ID_USER as ID1_7_, groupvo6_.id_group as ID2_7_, groupvo6_.id_group as id1_4_, groupvo6_.description as descript2_9_4_, groupvo6_.creation_timestamp as creation3_9_4_, groupvo6_.last_change_timestamp as last4_9_4_ from RESOURCE_USER resource_u0_ left outer join RESOURCES resourcevo1_ on resource_u0_.pk.id_resource=resourcevo1_.id_resource left outer join RESOURCES resourcevo2_ on resourcevo1_.id_resource_parent=resourcevo2_.id_resource left outer join RESOURCE_TYPES resource_t3_ on resourcevo2_.id_resource_type=resource_t3_.id_resource_type left outer join USERS uservo4_ on resource_u0_.pk.id_user=uservo4_.id_user left outer join USER_GROUP groups5_ on uservo4_.id_user=groups5_.ID_USER left outer join GROUPS groupvo6_ on groups5_.ID_GROUP=groupvo6_.id_group where resource_u0_.id_resource=? and resource_u0_.id_user=?

Thanks in advance

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