regarding to my hibernate tools post i got the same problem without using the hibernate tools. hibernate stucks during execution of my application code, too.
steps to reproduce assuming that you have an existing java project in eclipse (3.1RC4 in my case, with WTP and Hibernate Tools 3alpha4, jdk is 1.5update3):
1. create configuration and mapping files according to the ones posted below.
2. create java class based on the mapping file
3. execute the application -> everything is fine at the moment
4. change the mapping file (add/remove a property)
5. change the java class (add/remove set/get-method belonging to the property)
6. execute the application again -> it stucks without an exception or debug message and won't quit. i have to use the task-manager to kill the application and eclipse. the last message which occurs is shown in the log excerpt below.
any hints are appreciated, if this is a hibernate bug or just a fault of me.
Hibernate version:
3.1alpha1, hibernate tools 3.0alpha4
Hibernate Configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">ingres</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">ingres</property>
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:edbc://</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver</property>
<mapping resource="ams/ingres/PvStamp.hbm.xml" />
Mapping documents:(shortened because of better reading => there are about 50 properties)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
Auto-generated mapping file from
the cfg2hbm engine
<class name="ams.ingres.PvStamp" table="PV_STAMP"> <!-- schema="MEIP"> -->
<id name="ident" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="IDENT" precision="12" scale="0" />
<generator class="assigned" />
<property name="lfdnr" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="LFDNR" not-null="true" />
<property name="kennung" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="KENNUNG" length="1" not-null="true" />
<property name="kennungIdent" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="KENNUNG_IDENT" not-null="true" />
<property name="referenz" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="REFERENZ" length="40" not-null="true" />
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():Code:
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
PvStamp pvstamp = new PvStamp();
pvstamp.setIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setLfdnr(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setKennung("deine kennung");
pvstamp.setKennungIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setReferenz("meine referenz");
pvstamp.setLandIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setPrzIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setStatus(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setAnmeldung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setBekanntmachung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setOffenlegung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setErteilung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setAusgabe(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setBeschluss51(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setNatAnmeldung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setPruefungsfrist(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setFrist1(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setFrist2(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setFrist3(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setIdentNatph(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setReg516Erteilung(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setAnzahlStaemme(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setAnzahlFamilien(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setAnzahlFristen(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setRevision(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setModulIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setSessionIdent(new Integer(1));
pvstamp.setErfassDatum(new Date(10));
pvstamp.setAenderDatum(new Date(10));
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:no exception occurs
Name and version of the database you are using:CA Ingres 2.6
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):take a look at the bottom of the log excerpt.
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:Code:
15:00:24,481 INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.1alpha1
15:00:24,481 INFO Environment:477 - not found
15:00:24,491 INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
15:00:24,491 INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
15:00:24,571 INFO Configuration:1086 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
15:00:24,571 INFO Configuration:1057 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
15:00:24,882 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - trying to locate in classpath under org/hibernate/
15:00:24,882 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:53 - found in classpath
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1043 - hibernate.connection.username=ingres
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1043 - hibernate.connection.password=ingres
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1043 - hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1043 - hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:edbc://
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1043 - hibernate.connection.driver_class=ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver
15:00:24,932 DEBUG Configuration:1228 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@18e2b22 [Attribute: name resource value "ams/ingres/PvStamp.hbm.xml"]
15:00:24,932 INFO Configuration:425 - Reading mappings from resource: ams/ingres/PvStamp.hbm.xml
15:00:24,932 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - trying to locate in classpath under org/hibernate/
15:00:24,942 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:53 - found in classpath
15:00:25,112 INFO HbmBinder:261 - Mapping class: ams.ingres.PvStamp -> PV_STAMP
15:00:25,112 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: ident -> IDENT
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: lfdnr -> LFDNR
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kennung -> KENNUNG
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kennungIdent -> KENNUNG_IDENT
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: referenz -> REFERENZ
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: land -> LAND
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: landIdent -> LAND_IDENT
15:00:25,132 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: prz -> PRZ
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: przIdent -> PRZ_IDENT
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: schlagwort -> SCHLAGWORT
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: aufrecht -> AUFRECHT
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: status -> STATUS
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: aktenzeichen -> AKTENZEICHEN
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: anmeldung -> ANMELDUNG
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: bekanntmachung -> BEKANNTMACHUNG
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: offenlegung -> OFFENLEGUNG
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: erteilung -> ERTEILUNG
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: ausgabe -> AUSGABE
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: beschluss51 -> BESCHLUSS_51
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: natAnmeldung -> NAT_ANMELDUNG
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: pruefungsfrist -> PRUEFUNGSFRIST
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: frist1 -> FRIST1
15:00:25,142 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: frist2 -> FRIST2
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: frist3 -> FRIST3
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: offenlegungNummer -> OFFENLEGUNG_NUMMER
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: offenlegungArt -> OFFENLEGUNG_ART
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: patentNummer -> PATENT_NUMMER
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: patentArt -> PATENT_ART
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: bekanntmachungNummer -> BEKANNTMACHUNG_NUMMER
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: bekanntmachungArt -> BEKANNTMACHUNG_ART
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: uebersetzungNummer -> UEBERSETZUNG_NUMMER
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: uebersetzungArt -> UEBERSETZUNG_ART
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: pruefungsAntrag -> PRUEFUNGSANTRAG
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: technischeAbteilung -> TECHNISCHE_ABTEILUNG
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: pctAktenzeichen -> PCT_AKTENZEICHEN
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: stammanmeldung -> STAMMANMELDUNG
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: prioritaet -> PRIORITAET
15:00:25,152 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kategorie1 -> KATEGORIE_1
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kategorie2 -> KATEGORIE_2
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kategorie3 -> KATEGORIE_3
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: kategorie4 -> KATEGORIE_4
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: freigabe -> FREIGABE
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: nationalePhase -> NATIONALE_PHASE
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: identNatph -> IDENT_NATPH
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: regPatNummer -> REG_PAT_NUMMER
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: reg516Erteilung -> REG_51_6_ERTEILUNG
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: regPatAn -> REG_PAT_AN
15:00:25,162 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: anzahlStaemme -> ANZAHL_STAEMME
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: anzahlFamilien -> ANZAHL_FAMILIEN
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: anzahlFristen -> ANZAHL_FRISTEN
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: jgEintrag -> JG_EINTRAG
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: revision -> REVISION
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: modulIdent -> MODUL_IDENT
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: sessionIdent -> SESSION_IDENT
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: erfassDatum -> ERFASS_DATUM
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: erfassName -> ERFASS_NAME
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: aenderDatum -> AENDER_DATUM
15:00:25,172 DEBUG HbmBinder:1081 - Mapped property: aenderName -> AENDER_NAME
## a second hibernate mapping ##
15:00:25,272 INFO Configuration:1188 - Configured SessionFactory: null
15:00:25,272 DEBUG Configuration:1189 - properties:
## some properties ##
15:00:25,272 DEBUG Configuration:974 - Preparing to build session factory with filters : {}
15:00:25,272 INFO Configuration:851 - processing extends queue
15:00:25,272 INFO Configuration:855 - processing collection mappings
15:00:25,272 INFO Configuration:864 - processing association property references
15:00:25,272 INFO Configuration:893 - processing foreign key constraints
15:00:25,392 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
15:00:25,392 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
15:00:25,392 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
15:00:25,392 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:edbc://
15:00:25,392 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:83 - connection properties: {user=ingres, password=ingres}
15:00:25,392 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
15:00:25,392 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:109 - opening new JDBC connection
15:00:25,523 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:115 - created connection to: jdbc:edbc://, Isolation Level: 8
15:00:25,543 DEBUG SettingsFactory:295 - could not get database version from JDBC metadata
15:00:25,553 INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: INGRES, version: II 2.6/0207 (int.w32/02)
15:00:25,553 INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: CA-EDBC JDBC Driver, version: 1.3
15:00:25,553 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:129 - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
15:00:25,583 INFO Dialect:92 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect
15:00:25,583 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
15:00:25,593 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: disabled
15:00:25,593 DEBUG SettingsFactory:148 - Wrap result sets: disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: null
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:334 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
15:00:25,593 INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
15:00:25,593 INFO SettingsFactory:321 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
15:00:25,603 INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
15:00:25,603 INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
15:00:25,603 DEBUG SQLExceptionConverterFactory:52 - Using dialect defined converter
15:00:25,613 INFO SettingsFactory:261 - Statistics: disabled
15:00:25,613 INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
15:00:25,613 INFO SettingsFactory:279 - Default entity-mode: pojo
15:00:25,763 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:153 - building session factory
15:00:25,763 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:162 - Session factory constructed with filter configurations : {}
15:00:25,763 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:165 - instantiating session factory with properties:
## some properties ##
15:00:25,773 WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/D:/Eclipses/eclipse-SDK-3.1RC4-win32/workspace/Ingres/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
15:00:26,214 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2225 - Static SQL for entity: ams.ingres.PvFamip
15:00:26,214 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2227 - Version select: select IDENT from PV_FAMIP where IDENT =?
15:00:26,214 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2228 - Snapshot select:
## some sql-statements ##
15:00:27,155 DEBUG SessionFactoryObjectFactory:39 - initializing class SessionFactoryObjectFactory
15:00:27,215 DEBUG SessionFactoryObjectFactory:76 - registered: 402841d604c308b80104c308be930000 (unnamed)
15:00:27,215 INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
15:00:27,215 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:264 - instantiated session factory
15:00:27,215 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:381 - Checking 0 named queries
15:00:27,285 DEBUG SessionImpl:256 - opened session at timestamp: 4587371017072640
15:00:27,295 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:46 - begin
15:00:27,295 DEBUG ConnectionManager:296 - opening JDBC connection
15:00:27,295 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
15:00:27,295 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:99 - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
15:00:27,295 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:50 - current autocommit status: false
15:00:27,295 DEBUG IdentifierValue:77 - id unsaved-value strategy UNDEFINED
15:00:27,305 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:865 - Getting current persistent state for: [ams.ingres.PvStamp#1]
15:00:27,325 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
15:00:27,325 DEBUG SQL:324 - select pvstamp_.IDENT, pvstamp_.LFDNR as LFDNR0_, pvstamp_.KENNUNG as KENNUNG0_, pvstamp_.KENNUNG_IDENT as KENNUNG4_0_, pvstamp_.REFERENZ as REFERENZ0_, pvstamp_.LAND as LAND0_, pvstamp_.LAND_IDENT as LAND7_0_, pvstamp_.PRZ as PRZ0_, pvstamp_.PRZ_IDENT as PRZ9_0_, pvstamp_.SCHLAGWORT as SCHLAGWORT0_, pvstamp_.AUFRECHT as AUFRECHT0_, pvstamp_.STATUS as STATUS0_, pvstamp_.AKTENZEICHEN as AKTENZE13_0_, pvstamp_.ANMELDUNG as ANMELDUNG0_, pvstamp_.BEKANNTMACHUNG as BEKANNT15_0_, pvstamp_.OFFENLEGUNG as OFFENLE16_0_, pvstamp_.ERTEILUNG as ERTEILUNG0_, pvstamp_.AUSGABE as AUSGABE0_, pvstamp_.BESCHLUSS_51 as BESCHLUSS19_0_, pvstamp_.NAT_ANMELDUNG as NAT20_0_, pvstamp_.PRUEFUNGSFRIST as PRUEFUN21_0_, pvstamp_.FRIST1 as FRIST22_0_, pvstamp_.FRIST2 as FRIST23_0_, pvstamp_.FRIST3 as FRIST24_0_, pvstamp_.OFFENLEGUNG_NUMMER as OFFENLE25_0_, pvstamp_.OFFENLEGUNG_ART as OFFENLE26_0_, pvstamp_.PATENT_NUMMER as PATENT27_0_, pvstamp_.PATENT_ART as PATENT28_0_, pvstamp_.BEKANNTMACHUNG_NUMMER as BEKANNT29_0_, pvstamp_.BEKANNTMACHUNG_ART as BEKANNT30_0_, pvstamp_.UEBERSETZUNG_NUMMER as UEBERSE31_0_, pvstamp_.UEBERSETZUNG_ART as UEBERSE32_0_, pvstamp_.PRUEFUNGSANTRAG as PRUEFUN33_0_, pvstamp_.TECHNISCHE_ABTEILUNG as TECHNISCHE34_0_, pvstamp_.PCT_AKTENZEICHEN as PCT35_0_, pvstamp_.STAMMANMELDUNG as STAMMAN36_0_, pvstamp_.PRIORITAET as PRIORITAET0_, pvstamp_.KATEGORIE_1 as KATEGORIE38_0_, pvstamp_.KATEGORIE_2 as KATEGORIE39_0_, pvstamp_.KATEGORIE_3 as KATEGORIE40_0_, pvstamp_.KATEGORIE_4 as KATEGORIE41_0_, pvstamp_.FREIGABE as FREIGABE0_, pvstamp_.NATIONALE_PHASE as NATIONALE43_0_, pvstamp_.IDENT_NATPH as IDENT44_0_, pvstamp_.REG_PAT_NUMMER as REG45_0_, pvstamp_.REG_51_6_ERTEILUNG as REG46_0_, pvstamp_.REG_PAT_AN as REG47_0_, pvstamp_.ANZAHL_STAEMME as ANZAHL48_0_, pvstamp_.ANZAHL_FAMILIEN as ANZAHL49_0_, pvstamp_.ANZAHL_FRISTEN as ANZAHL50_0_, pvstamp_.JG_EINTRAG as JG51_0_, pvstamp_.REVISION as REVISION0_, pvstamp_.MODUL_IDENT as MODUL53_0_, pvstamp_.SESSION_IDENT as SESSION54_0_, pvstamp_.ERFASS_DATUM as ERFASS55_0_, pvstamp_.ERFASS_NAME as ERFASS56_0_, pvstamp_.AENDER_DATUM as AENDER57_0_, pvstamp_.AENDER_NAME as AENDER58_0_ from PV_STAMP pvstamp_ where pvstamp_.IDENT=?
15:00:27,325 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:377 - preparing statement
15:00:27,385 DEBUG IntegerType:59 - binding '1' to parameter: 1