I have a schema like this:
A -> B -> B_C <- C
Where '->' means 'one to many' and '<-' means 'many to one' (in other words, the arrow is points towards the many side). B_C is an association table between B and C, establishing many to many multiplicity.
My classes and mappings for this schema look like this:
A -> B <-> C
That is to say, there is a one-to-many mapping between A and B, and a many-to-many mapping between B and C. Both mappings are bidirectional.
The association A -> B is mapped using cascade="all,delete-orphan". That means when I add a B to A's collection of Bs, it gets persisted, and when I remove a B from A's collection of Bs, it (should) get deleted.
The problem arises when I try to delete some Bs from A's collection of Bs. The operation cascades down the A -> B association and tries to delete Bs, but it is prevented by this foreign key constraint:
A -> B -> B_C <- C
The rows in the association table prevent Bs from being deleted. Of course, the first thing I tried doing is putting cascade="delete-orphan" on the
A -> B <-> C.
You can imagine what a bag of laughs that resulted in.
My question is this: How can I tell Hibernate to delete rows in the association table (B_C), but not in the many-to-many target table (C)? Is this possible without exposing B_C as its own class, and splitting up the many-to-many?