I'd like to file a RFE for the addition of Session.delete(id) to aid in "bulk deletes". Bulk deletes, as you all know, occur completely on the DB end and Hibernate's cache could potentially be left holding references to nonexistant objects. In my case, each object contains up to 1MB of data, so retrieving them one at a time in order to session.delete(Object) really isn't very efficient for me -- but I want to keep Hibernate's cache synchronized.
I therefore propose adding Session.delete(id) which would allow us to delete objects, which will affect the Hibernate cache, and will have decent performance. I can perform the bulk of the logic on the server end to compute which IDs need to be removed then only transfer over the IDs to Hibernate, delete those objects and everyone is happy.
What do you think? Does this warrant a RFE?
Thank you,