Hi boys and girls :),
I am using Firebird 'firebirdsql-full_jdk1.4.jar' and Hibernate 3 and cannot use criteria for some strange reason.
I tried some differend way's
List result = crit.add( Example.create(criteria) )
List result = crit.add( Expression.eq("userName","Statix") )
And every time hibernate says it cannot execute query.
This is the query (from console):
Hibernate: select this_.USER_ID as USER1_0_, this_.USER_NAME as USER2_0_0_, this_.USER_PASSWORD as USER3_0_0_, this_.USER_GROUP_ID as USER4_0_0_ from USER this_ where (this_.USER_NAME=? and this_.USER_PASSWORD=?)
And the hibernate error is :
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query
A little bit lower there is an error from firebird:
Caused by: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544569. Dynamic SQL Error
The dynamic error is because of the criteria I guess... because without the criteria the app works fine.
Can anyone send me in the correct direction? I am struggling for some time with hibernate and learned a lot already but probably not enough :)
Any help will be appreciated