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 Post subject: Persistent enum with referenced by multiple columns
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:45 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:19 am
Posts: 12
Location: Santa Maria-RS, Brazil

I had problems with persistent enums mapped to multiple columns and I'd appreciate some help. Let me explain the context of the problem.

I have to access data from a legacy db, so I cannot change the schema. It has a table for enumerations, with ID, TYPE (type of the enum, i.e. the discriminator), ITEM (the value) and DESCRIPTION. All tables reference the enums through (TYPE, ITEM) instead of ID.

I thought about implementing a PersistentEnum for the table and a subclass for eache distinct value of TYPE. And so I did, just like EnumUserType.java in http://hibernate.org/272.html. The only diference is that the entities reference the enum by two columns (however, I also did the changes to the corresponding UserType):
<hibernate-mapping package="br.ufsm.cpd.sg.rh.model">
    <class  name="Person" table="PEOPLE">
        <id name="id" column="ID">
            <generator class="native"/>
        <property name="name" column="NAME"/>
        <property name="socialState" type="enumSocialState">
            <column name="SS_TYPE"/>
            <column name="SS_ITEM"/>

The enum mapping:
<hibernate-mapping package="br.ufsm.cpd.sg.enum">
    <typedef name="enumSocialState" class="br.ufsm.cpd.sg.hibernate.PersistentEnumType">
        <param name="enumClassName">br.ufsm.cpd.sg.rh.enum.SocialState</param>
    <class name="PersistentEnum" table="ENUM_ITEMS" discriminator-value="0" mutable="false">
        <id name="id" column="ID">
            <generator class="native"/>
        <discriminator type="short" column="TYPE"/>
        <property name="value" column="ITEM"/>
        <property name="description" column="DESCRIPTION"/>
    <subclass name="SocialState" extends="PersistentEnum" discriminator-value="162"/>

There are no problems concerning loading and saving of Person objects, however I cannot query object by enum. An example query would be:
from Person p where :socialState = p.socialState and :id >= p.id

For this HQL query, Hibernate'd generate the following SQL query (note the illegal expression "(person0_.SS_TYPE, person0_.SS_ITEM)"):
select person0_.ID as ID1_, person0_.NAME as NAME2_1_, person0_.SS_TYPE as SS_TYP3_1_, person0_.SS_ITEM as SS_ITE4_1_ from PEOPLE person0_ where ?=(person0_.SS_TYPE, person0_.SS_ITEM) and ?>=person0_.ID

I'm setting the value for :socialState using setParameter() with the type from Hibernate.custom(PersistentEnumType.class), as "Hibernate In Action" says.
Am I missing anything? I couldn't find an example using multiple columns to reference the enums; is this possible? Does anybody have another solution?

Thanks in advance,

 Post subject: Persistent enum referenced by multiple columns
PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:30 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:19 am
Posts: 12
Location: Santa Maria-RS, Brazil
I gave up from trying to do that. I cannot understand why hibernate doesn't use UserType.nullSafeSet() to set the parameter values in a query... Maybe it should...
Couldn't it generate an SQL expression like the folowing and set the parameters using nullSafeSet()?
?=person0_.SS_TYPE and ?=person0_.SS_ITEM

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