Hi All,
As i've not heard from any of you, i thought the information that i've provided is not enough. hence i'm giving some more information on my requirements.
In the current architecture, when the client wants to find an object say X where the attributes Y and Z are known, the request will be as follows:
<Query Object="X" Action="Find">
Please note that it's a Mac OS X native cocoa client and it's non-java.
When this XML request is received, we know the table name from the Object name and the attributes Y and Z will be the columns in that table X. Hence we'll generate the query and return the results.
In the new architecture using Hibernate using the same non-java client, it's going to send the same XML request. But in this case, One table X which has several attributes as it was NOT object oriented, will be represented by a POJO X. Instead of having all the attributes in the same POJO, we'll introduce new POJO's and X will have reference to these POJOs.
Currently the attributes names sent by the client is directly mapped to the attribute names of the table which will NOT be the case in the new architecture. So what is the best way to map the attributes sent by the client to that of the POJO???
I'm tempted to introduce a mapping file which will provide this information but i'm afraid this will be a duplication of the hibernate mapping file or annotations for that matter.
It's NOT common to have the non-java client talking to java server. But as there are many experts in this forum, i would greatly appreciate their input/suggestion on this.
Thanks in advance!