I'm new to the hibernate scene and want to get my feet wet, however i have come across some hiccups. i'm running java 1.5 mysql 4.1.
I extract the archive, add my jdbc.jar to the lib directory and when i attempt build eg, i get the following trace:
JDBC Driver class not found: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver [java] at org.hibernate.auction.Main.main(Main.java:363)
BUILD FAILED file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Chris/Desktop/hibernate/build.xml:509: Java r eturned: 1
so i noticed that the block of connection code for hsql was active, and mysql was commented out, so i changed those, and i get this trace:
JDBC Driver class not found: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver [java] at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Config uration.java:803) [java] at org.hibernate.auction.Main.main(Main.java:363)
BUILD FAILED file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Chris/Desktop/hibernate/hibernate/build.xml:5 09: Java returned: 1
does anyone have any suggestions?