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 Post subject: Collection initialized with extra null entry at beginning
PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:30 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:20 pm
Posts: 43
For some reason I'm getting an extra entry in a collection when it is initialized (hydrated) from the database.

In the same transaction I add all of the collection members. then issue a flush, then call a common method that retrieves the updated object and a graph of related objects.

For some reason, after the flush the collection now shows an new null entry at the beginning of the collection. This is a simple parent-child relationship between my PoAssessment class (the parent) and PoAssessmentItem class (the child).

What is going one? I did search the forum, but I was not sure how to even search for this problem.

Thank you for any advice at all - Richard

Hibernate version:

Mapping documents:
optimistic-lock="version" >
<id name="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null" >
<column name="id" unique-key="id"/>
<generator class="native"></generator>

<version name="version" type="int" column="version" access="property" unsaved-value="undefined" />

<list name="assessmentItems" table="PoAssessmentItems" lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" >
<key column="assessment" ></key>
<index column="aiNum"/>
<one-to-many class="com.acme.model.PoAssessmentItem" />

<class name="com.acme.model.PoAssessmentItem" table="PoAssessmentItem" proxy="com.acme.model.PoAssessmentItem" dynamic-update="false" dynamic-insert="false" select-before-update="false" optimistic-lock="version" >
<id name="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null" >
<column name="id" unique-key="id" />
<generator class="native"></generator>
<version name="version" type="int" column="version" access="property" unsaved-value="undefined" />
<column name="assessment" unique-key="userkey" />


Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:

Name and version of the database you are using:
MySQL 4.1.7

The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
See Hibernate log below.

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:
Log output showing collection just before flush:
21:38:11,578 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] AssessmentDetailGridAction:645 - add - After aMgr.add na.getAssessmentItems=[null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(1)/measurementItem(8331), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(2)/measurementItem(8464), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(3)/measurementItem(8182), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(4)/measurementItem(8155), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(5)/measurementItem(8496), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(6)/measurementItem(8272), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(7)/measurementItem(8363), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(8)/measurementItem(8156), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(9)/measurementItem(8222), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(10)/measurementItem(8122), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(11)/measurementItem(8122), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(12)/measurementItem(8083), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(13)/measurementItem(8028), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(14)/measurementItem(8142), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(15)/measurementItem(8188), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(16)/measurementItem(8483), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(17)/measurementItem(8377), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(18)/measurementItem(8357), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(19)/measurementItem(8375), null/assessment(36788)/aiNum(20)/measurementItem(8427)]'
21:38:11,578 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2267 - flushing session

Collection initialization:
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3307 - initializing collection [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3308 - checking second-level cache
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3314 - collection not cached
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] BatcherImpl:204 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SQL:230 - select assessment0_.assessment as assessment__, assessment0_.id as id__, assessment0_.aiNum as aiNum__, assessment0_.id as id2_, assessment0_.version as version2_, assessment0_.assessment as assessment2_, assessment0_.aiNum as aiNum2_, assessment0_.measurementItem as measurem5_2_, pomeasurem1_.id as id0_, pomeasurem1_.version as version0_, pomeasurem1_.measurementItemSet as measurem3_0_, pomeasurem1_.liNum as liNum0_, pomeasurem1_.reviewDate as reviewDate0_, pomeasurem2_.id as id1_, pomeasurem2_.version as version1_, pomeasurem2_.classMeasurement as classMea3_1_, pomeasurem2_.problemSet as problemSet1_, pomeasurem2_.lisNum as lisNum1_ from PoAssessmentItem assessment0_ left outer join PoMeasurementItem pomeasurem1_ on assessment0_.measurementItem=pomeasurem1_.id left outer join PoMeasurementItemSet pomeasurem2_ on pomeasurem1_.measurementItemSet=pomeasurem2_.id where assessment0_.assessment=?
21:38:14,187 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] BatcherImpl:253 - preparing statement
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:46 - binding '36788' to parameter: 1
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:406 - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3050 - uninitialized collection: initializing
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:281 - processing result set
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8331' as column: id0_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '241' as column: id2_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8331, 17, 241
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '241' as column: id__
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#241]
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#241]
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#241]
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '1' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8464' as column: id0_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '242' as column: id2_
21:38:14,203 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8464, 17, 242
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '242' as column: id__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#242]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#242]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#242]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '2' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8182' as column: id0_
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '243' as column: id2_
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8182, 17, 243
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '243' as column: id__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#243]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#243]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#243]
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '3' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,218 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8155' as column: id0_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '244' as column: id2_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8155, 17, 244
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '244' as column: id__
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#244]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#244]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#244]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '4' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8496' as column: id0_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '245' as column: id2_
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8496, 17, 245
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '245' as column: id__
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#245]
21:38:14,234 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#245]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#245]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '5' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8272' as column: id0_
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '246' as column: id2_
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8272, 17, 246
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '246' as column: id__
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#246]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#246]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#246]
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '6' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8363' as column: id0_
21:38:14,250 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '247' as column: id2_
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8363, 17, 247
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '247' as column: id__
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#247]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#247]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#247]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '7' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8156' as column: id0_
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '248' as column: id2_
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8156, 17, 248
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '248' as column: id__
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#248]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#248]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#248]
21:38:14,265 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '8' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8222' as column: id0_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '249' as column: id2_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8222, 17, 249
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '249' as column: id__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#249]
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#249]
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#249]
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '9' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8122' as column: id0_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '250' as column: id2_
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8122, 17, 250
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '250' as column: id__
21:38:14,281 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#250]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#250]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#250]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '10' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8122' as column: id0_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '251' as column: id2_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8122, 17, 251
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '251' as column: id__
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#251]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#251]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#251]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '11' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8083' as column: id0_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '252' as column: id2_
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8083, 17, 252
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,296 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '252' as column: id__
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#252]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#252]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#252]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '12' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8028' as column: id0_
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '253' as column: id2_
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8028, 17, 253
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '253' as column: id__
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#253]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#253]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#253]
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '13' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8142' as column: id0_
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,312 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '254' as column: id2_
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8142, 17, 254
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '254' as column: id__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#254]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#254]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#254]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '14' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8188' as column: id0_
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '255' as column: id2_
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8188, 17, 255
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '255' as column: id__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#255]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#255]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#255]
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '15' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,328 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8483' as column: id0_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '256' as column: id2_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8483, 17, 256
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '256' as column: id__
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#256]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#256]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#256]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '16' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8377' as column: id0_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '257' as column: id2_
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8377, 17, 257
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '257' as column: id__
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#257]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#257]
21:38:14,343 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#257]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '17' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8357' as column: id0_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '258' as column: id2_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8357, 17, 258
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '258' as column: id__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#258]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#258]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#258]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '18' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8375' as column: id0_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '259' as column: id2_
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8375, 17, 259
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '259' as column: id__
21:38:14,359 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#259]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#259]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#259]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '19' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '8427' as column: id0_
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '17' as column: id1_
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '260' as column: id2_
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:484 - result row: 8427, 17, 260
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '36788' as column: assessment__
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:371 - found row of collection: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3073 - reading row
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] LongType:68 - returning '260' as column: id__
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:1996 - loading [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#260]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2094 - attempting to resolve [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#260]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:2110 - resolved object in session cache [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessmentItem#260]
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] IntegerType:68 - returning '20' as column: aiNum__
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:298 - done processing result set (20 rows)
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] BatcherImpl:211 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] BatcherImpl:275 - closing statement
21:38:14,375 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] Loader:318 - total objects hydrated: 0
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3109 - 1 collections were found in result set
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3140 - collection fully initialized: [com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoAssessment.assessmentItems#36788]
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3143 - 1 collections initialized
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3161 - initializing non-lazy collections
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] SessionImpl:3316 - collection initialized

Collection display after initialization with extra "null" entry.:
21:38:14,390 DEBUG [TP-Processor3] AssessmentDetailGridAction:662 - add - After flush; na.assessmentItems=[null, 241/assessment(36788)/aiNum(1)/measurementItem(8331), 242/assessment(36788)/aiNum(2)/measurementItem(8464), 243/assessment(36788)/aiNum(3)/measurementItem(8182), 244/assessment(36788)/aiNum(4)/measurementItem(8155), 245/assessment(36788)/aiNum(5)/measurementItem(8496), 246/assessment(36788)/aiNum(6)/measurementItem(8272), 247/assessment(36788)/aiNum(7)/measurementItem(8363), 248/assessment(36788)/aiNum(8)/measurementItem(8156), 249/assessment(36788)/aiNum(9)/measurementItem(8222), 250/assessment(36788)/aiNum(10)/measurementItem(8122), 251/assessment(36788)/aiNum(11)/measurementItem(8122), 252/assessment(36788)/aiNum(12)/measurementItem(8083), 253/assessment(36788)/aiNum(13)/measurementItem(8028), 254/assessment(36788)/aiNum(14)/measurementItem(8142), 255/assessment(36788)/aiNum(15)/measurementItem(8188), 256/assessment(36788)/aiNum(16)/measurementItem(8483), 257/assessment(36788)/aiNum(17)/measurementItem(8377), 258/assessment(36788)/aiNum(18)/measurementItem(8357), 259/assessment(36788)/aiNum(19)/measurementItem(8375), 260/assessment(36788)/aiNum(20)/measurementItem(8427)]'

 Post subject: Collection initialized with extra null at begining SOLVED
PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:11 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:20 pm
Posts: 43
Nevermind. Sincere apologies.

The index needs to start with 0, I was starting with 1. Hibernate was just putting the null entry (correctly) in position 0.

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